Some More Questions: Cage Size, and Cardboard

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New Chinchilla Owner
Jun 27, 2013
Louisville, KY
Okay so just a few questions here.

1) My chins cage size is 27x17x25. Is this okay for him? The reason I bought it was because it was on sale at the pet store and when I bought the chin it was the only one with wooden shelves. It was also relatively cheap (Around 50$) I've thought about upgrading as I slowly begin to see my chin more crazier, but I've become attached to this cage lol. It's very easy to pick it up and take it into the bathroom which removes all the hassle of having to try to get him out and back in since he can make the decision himself. Also this allows me to clean the cage in the bathroom with him so I can supervise him and clean his stuff. (I'm the only one who watches/interacts with him in my house)

I see how people say FN are the way to go but man aren't those things heavy? I would truly love to get him one, but I don't want break our routine for playtime. Does anyone know of something that will meet me in the middle in means of portability?

Heck I've even thought about buying a second house like the one I have so I can expand him upward and add some more shelves... I would like opinions on this as well. "Making your own or expanding your chin cage"

2) I have quite a few different cardboard boxes from leftover pepsi/cola 24 packs. I was wondering if it would be okay to make the chin some play toys with it for play time? I looked for a small bit and couldn't find too much on this specific topic. I could even make him a small house for his cage :3

Thanks guys! You have helped so much in me and my chin bonding and me being able to understand him!:thumbsup:
To me it sounds a bit small, but its hard to say without seeing a picture of it. How they are set up as well can make a big difference.
I use two separate two story FN cages myself. Definitely plenty of room. But yes, they are heavy. While they are on wheels, its not something you want to be moving around much if you don't have to.
There are various methods of getting chins out of the cage. Most popular probably is a sand-bath method. Using the house as a transporter.

As for the wooden ledges, they are simple enough to make on your own, as long as you can get the chin safe wood. And if your unable to do that, there are ppl on this site that make and sell them to your specifications.

Cardboard is iffy IMO. You have to watch out for paint/glue that is often used on them. You don't want your chin to have access to that. Also some chins (like mine) will try to eat the cardboard. If they do, it needs to be taken away. If all that can be avoided, then you might be ok with it.