So many questions!

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New member
Jan 4, 2016
So, I just got my little guy last week after doing days and days of research, I thought I was ready! But now I have some questions that I haven't been able to really find on here.
1. I've been trying the thing of opening the cage door and when he comes to the door I'll give him a little nibble of a treat stick I got him. I've been doing this for about three days, but he is so scared of me, I try to pick him up, and eventually I get him out of the cage, and when I do he's usually okay with me holding him. I've been giving him play time in the bathroom, and he will barely even run past me when I sit in there with him, I tried Cheerios to get him to come up to me, and he just refuses. Then when it's time to put him back in his cage he runs away from me so that I can't pick him up to put him back. He's super skittish, so when I try to put my hand in there he won't even come near it, he'll just sit on the highest shelf and not do anything. Today when I went to grab him he started barking at me too
2. I have a metal hay feeder that hangs on his cage, but he just spreads the hay all over the cage instead of eating it, should I get a wooden one instead that's harder for the hay to fall out of?
3. I got him a pretty big house, and he never ever goes in there, should I get him a smaller one? Maybe he will feel safer? I've noticed he loves tight spaces
4. For the first time ever he laid on his side to sleep, when I saw it I ran over to him, and he woke up and sat normally. Is that normal?
5. I got him the dust house, and he loves it! But he'll get out run around his cage and get dust everywhere! Does it matter that there's dust in the cage? Or what should I do there?
I talk to him all the time, whenever I walk anywhere near him I'll say hi to him, talk to him a little and he still hates me :(
Sorry for all the questions! New concerned chin mom!
Thank you!
P.S. I included a picture of my little guy, cause I'm crazy about him, and it shows the dust and hay everywhere! ❤️


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Hi and welcome! :wave:

First of all, congrats on your new little friend! He's a cutie. :heart:

It is very important to be patient. Chinchillas are prey animals and are naturally skittish, it takes a while to build trust with them. You are off to a good start by talking to him. Some people will even sit next to the cage and read aloud to their chinchilla. They need to get familiar with your voice and smell.

When attempting to make contact, remember not to reach for, or "chase", him around the cage. Let him come to you, reward with a chin scratch or treat. Make sure you don't feed too many treats, no more than one cheerio a day, one a few times weekly is even better. Chinchillas usually prefer climbing onto your forearms rather than your hands (especially if you are wearing a sweater). Lay your forearms down in the cage, closed together. When he climbs onto them bring him in close and hold him securely against your chest for a minute or so, then set him down again. Keep repeating the process and rewarding! That's what I did with my guy.

It is a fact that chinchillas waste a lot of hay! Don't worry about it. They choose the best, tastiest pieces and toss the rest aside, never to be touched again. You just have to get used to them wasting a lot a hay. Seriously, a lot. Like a third of it. lol

Chinchillas are funny with cage accessories too. Some will not touch an accessory for, lets say 2 months, and then once you're ready to remove it, they start using it all the time!! It is a good idea to give them a variety of hidey places though.

It is normal for chinchillas to lay on their side. It usually means they are relaxed or comfortable. All chins do it from time to time!

Make sure to remove the dust bath after 10 or 15 minutes. Chins have a sensitive respiratory system, they can get lung infections from too much dust if it is left in there constantly. Another thing is, they will overuse it, causing dry skin, and soil their dust. If I let my chin dust in his cage, I sweep or wipe away the dust afterwards.

Hope this helps. :))
It takes most chins at least a week to settle in (sometimes months) and weeks to years to fully trust, so it's not normally a quick bonding process, you need to earn it. Don't do playtime if you have to grab or chase the chin around, you are only hurting your relationship and giving him a reason not to trust you. It's most likely not that he hates you, it's just he is still settling in and getting to know you, just like you probably don't fully trust someone you just met a week ago.

As said chins like to waste a lot of hay, so unless the hay is falling out on it's own then a new hay holder probably wont help. However, depending on the hay holder if it's one with bars on it, those can be dangerous, a chin can get caught in them.

A second house isn't a bad idea, but it could just be he doesn't feel like going in the house yet. So long as one is there for when/if he wants it that's all that matters. You could also add tunnels and hammocks to the cage too to offer other sleeping and play places.

After a dust bath there really isn't going to be enough dust to dry out the chin or cause any issues so it's more personal preference to leave it or clean it up. Just make sure not to leave the dust bath in the cage, a bath a couple times a week is really all that is needed.

Just take your time, reading, talking, singing, and just being around the chin are all things that help with bonding. Work on just playing in the cage for now until you gain more trust, then once he is willingly coming to you and/or you can pick him up from the cage then try playtime out of the cage again.
Another thing to think about is, you didn't mention where the chin came from, but especially if he came from a pet store, it's probably going to take a bit longer to trust people do to stupid people commonly being mean to pet store animals.
I think Minccino and Amethyst pretty much have it covered, I'd just like to add a few little things.

With the hay if he is wasting a very large portion of it then it could also be that he doesn't really like that hay. My girl was wasting a lot of hay then I tried a different kind and now she barely wastes any. Of course he could easily just be being a picky eater which is normal.

Also with the house I've heard of some chins being this way and, once again, my girl is like this too. Some chins just will not go in a space with only one entrance, especially if they're not comfortable in their home yet. Some are just very finnicky about having multiple means of escaping if necessary. It seems like tunnels usually work out for chins like this.

These are just my added thoughts. It may be that neither of these is what's going on, but I'd say it's worth a thought. Good luck and congratulations!
Thank you guys so much! Much appreciated!
I'll start reading to him! He came out for play time today and he climbed on me twice, so I definitely think we're making progress!
Thank you guys again!!!
Thank you guys so much! Much appreciated!
I'll start reading to him! He came out for play time today and he climbed on me twice, so I definitely think we're making progress!
Thank you guys again!!!

That's really good news!!
You're very welcome. :))