Shoulder Training

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
Erie, or Pitts Pa.
Hi guys! i am yet again astonished at how smart chins can be.

Lately I have been trying to shoulder train Tika. When i say shoulder train I mean when i place her on my shoulder she knows she needs to just hang out there and not try to jump off. It has been working pretty good. I have been using oats and just giving her a single oat as a reward.

I started out by just getting her comfortable to sitting on my shoulder while i stand still, did this for about a week. Then i would walk around my bed room, just pace and do little circles. All the while any time she would try to jump down, i would just catch her and place her back on my shoulder (required some behind the back catches, but my bed room is semi chin proof so if she got down she couldn't get in any trouble before i got her). And any time she would sit on my shoulder for an extended amount of time (at that point 1 too 2 mins) i would give her a single oat.

At the same time, EVERY time i would want her to jump off my shoulder into my hand i would say "down" and place my hand flat in front of her.

It has been about 4 weeks of the 'training' and Tika is doing very good. She will hang out on my shoulder for 10 to 15 mins while i am walking around before she starts to get antsy and starts pulling at my shirt to let her back into her cage, and she knows that she is going to just get set back on my shoulder unless i say "down."

But there has been a down fall, she only stays on my shoulder while I'm standing if i sit down at the computer she makes a jump for the desk, so still have work to do. But i thought i would let you guys know just how smart chins really are.

So now i am home for spring break and walk around with Tika on my shoulder all the time, and my dogs (down stairs) go NUTS.