She ate acrylic paint!!

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<--My little soldier!
Mar 15, 2012
I dno if this is an emergancy or not. You can move it if you seem fit too. My chinchilla literallt just ate a little acrylic paint, A mouthful atleast? I usually don't leave it down, but I completely forgot about it when I let her out. She doesn't drink out of her water bottle unless she's desperate so I got a glass of water and made her drink out of that. She drink a fair bit of it.
I know I'm so stupid, I feel like an idiot.
Is there anything else I can do?
And will she be alright? :/
ahhh :(
Does the bottle say non toxic? Not sure if that is all that matters but that would be the first thing I would look at aside from how she is acting....
It doesnt say! Im sat waiting for her to poo
Huuuummmm maybe you could try calling the Poison Control Center just ask them what would happen if it was ingested by a human... That is at least a start anyway aside from calling a vet.
I have no phone, and no way to get to a phone atm. So nott sure what i can do in the mean time :(
Okay well I gave her some Recovery Food, as her digestive system is already damaged due to her Stasis she had a few months back... Although she is eating her own food now, she still gets a little bloated, but nothing life threatening. But I thought I'd stay on the safe side and give her some syringe food. Hopefully that helps flush it all out! :)
No ingredients, but it says "all colours are labeled AP and are classified as non-tixic" so lets hope :/
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