
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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I have female at least I think it is female. Its about 9-10 months old it seem that everytime I seem to come to a conclusion it some how changes my mind. Could I get your input about sexing of my female/male? I seen the pictures of boys vs girls we checked the female out tonight my dad took her out trying to sex her himself he told me it was a boy. While he was hold her a yellow liquid excerted out of her. It came from the middle of her/his cone and anus. This would mean female right? I could get you a picture of her if you want.
A pic would be helpful-good timing too! You'll be needing to start with the hair ring checks soon :winkers: that is if it's a boy
I know there was a pic somewhere but can't remember where.

Let me see if i can say this correctly.

If it's a male their penis will be further away from the butt.

but if it's a female the famale part that looks like the male penis will be right on top of the butt (not litterally on top but right next to it).

Hope that helped.

When it excerted the yellow liquid it wasn't like pee more thick it came out of the middle of her anus and cone area would that mean female or no. I will get pics up soon as I get back from ccd.
Hey guys could I get u the pics tommorrow I am doing hw if I get finished early though I promise I will post some pics. Srry for the delay everyone.
Many thanks,
The link only goes to the Gmail login page. Can you save the pic to your computer and post through the attachment manager here on the forum?
yaaaaaaaa I was right ha ha dad. My dad now owes me ten bucks
More votes please what does that mean thin cone. Is that bad?