Redid my cage today...what do you think?

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Active member
Aug 8, 2010
Still waiting for the Chin Spin and fleece hammock to arrive to replace the small wheel and purple plastic ball. Is there anything else you think i should change or add?




Very nice job. What kind of wood is that? Looks a bit shiny from the pic. How can you tell when you buy wood that it is safe from chewing?
It seems like you did a really good job on those shelves, looks great!! I would take the wheel out and the plastic ball also in the meantime, just in case. Since you're chin spin and hammock are on their way a week or so won't be so bad for your chin to miss running on a wheel or having another place to hop to.
It seems like you did a really good job on those shelves, looks great!! I would take the wheel out and the plastic ball also in the meantime, just in case. Since you're chin spin and hammock are on their way a week or so won't be so bad for your chin to miss running on a wheel or having another place to hop to.

I agree with the taking out the ball and wheel.

It looks like a nice revamp! Bet your chin loves it:dance3:
I know plastic is harmful to chinchillas but that ball has been in there for 5 years and he has yet to chew it and he loves to watch tv from up there. And you think removing a wheel for a week won't make him angry? He loves that too!
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Removing the wheel won't make him angry just give him a few extra minutes of out of cage exercise and he should be fine.
Removing the wheel won't make him angry just give him a few extra minutes of out of cage exercise and he should be fine.

I agree, it's not worth the chance of him hurting himself. It's easy for their feet to get stuck in wire wheels. It'd be tragic for your Chin Spin to arrive and your chinny can't use it because he hurt himself!

Nice cage btw! All the ledges make me jealous!
i agree with majority. remove the wheel Those are accidents waiting to happen, BUT the rest of the cage looks wicked. good job.
Quite the difference, nice job! I have one guy who came to me with a plastic igloo and is 'very' attached to it so I let him have it. He has a nice wooden hidey house but has no interest in sleeping in it. I think your shelves look great too. I did look at your plastic hay container beside the cage and would recommend you take the cover off for better ventilation so it does not go moldy.

Edit: Yeah, that wheel's gotta go asap. Your Chin Spin will be in soon and it's a fantastic and safe wheel for chins. Really, you don't want to risk a leg injury and a huge vet bill b/c of a broken leg. Not worth the price to pay at all.
Ok i removed the wheel and placed fleece on the wire floors...does the hay stay fresh with no cover?

Yes hay stays fresh when it's not covered. Actually, keeping it covered can retain moisture and cause the hay to go all gross and moldy. I keep my hay in the plastic bag it came in, but I cut lots of holes in it to keep it ventilated. As long as you keep your hay in a cool, dry area (like right where it is) it will be fine!

How to know when hay is stale - when it doesn't smell like hay anymore!
Looks to me like a really fun place to live. What is the purple plastic thing?

Im not sure....its something he came with when i adopted him its just a ball with 5 holes in it...he loves laying in it.
Took out the second floor since there wasn't going to be enough room for the Chin Spin (getting it Tuesday!). I think he likes it better like this anyway.

Looks awesome! I like it better without the second level. I think chins like it better too, maybe they like ledges more since it's kind of like sitting on rock ledges