Really stinky poop

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Nov 18, 2011
HI wondering if anyone can offer some a chin about a month or 2 ago...seems in good health but her poop smells really bad. Ive had chinchillas in the past (sometimes more than one at a time) and dont remember their cages ever smelling this bad. Her poops are normal in size, color and firmness. She eats mazuri pellets and eats timothy hay and drinks a good amount of water...thats it, no treats, no raisins, nothing else....would anyone know why her poop smells? and is there anything i can do? :hmm:
I would have passed the tests for protozoa and helminths. I had a situation when the boluses were good, but found Giardiya and strongyloidosis.
Take the chin to a vet, poo with a foul odor means infection in the GI tract such as giardia or enteritis.
I would also guess either a parasitic or bacterial infection, although typically the clinical signs for those include soft stools or diarrhea as well. I would get a fecal test done at the vet to find out if it is or rule out those problems.