Question about a male chin. Help!

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My question is that around 4:30am, I heard what almost sounded like a coughing noise from my chin, actually it sounded like hacking up a hairball. I went to look at him and he was his usual self, but I did notice he had a ball of sticky goo stuck on the chest of his fur. I gently tried to work it out but he would have none of that. He did start to do the fast paced squeaking noises (which I think are related to the mating call and he only does it to me and has started wagging his tail too). Now I do not know if I am right, but I actually think my chin ejaculated on himself. Because he started to suck on his penis awhile after and I have seen him do it before.
Was the sticky stuff probably just sperm or something else? Perhaps he coughed that up? When I went up to him he didn't make the hacking/cough noise anymore, so I don't think he's sick. His ears, eyes, and nose have nothing coming from them either.
If anyone has any idea what is going on, please help me out. Thank you so much and I appreciate it (and Max, my chin, will too so I stop staring at him to make sure he's okay!). Thank You!
Sounds like he may have just been barking (a normal chinchilla sound). Yes, it is very common for male chins to suck on their penis. It is how they clean themselves. The sticky stuff on his fur could have been semen, and it sounds like that's what it was since he was having "boy time".

Just make sure it's not drool, as that could be a sign of teeth problems. Just watch his eating/chewing habits...if he seems to be pawing at the mouth or avoiding food/chews, it may be a tooth problem.
AH! The joys of boy chin ownership! It should be whitish clear if it is indeed what you think it is... Make sure it's not any other color (like a burst abcess would have yellowish from infection I'm guessing?) and give him lots of dust bath... That stuff WILL NOT come off with a tissue, rag, jack hammer... you get the point- trust me. And you don't want it on your clothes!! EEeek.
At least he "annointed" himself, and not you. :D Not that that's happened to me...
I have a male chin that "peed" a whitish liquid, but then it almost hrdened on the floor of his box. What is this?

Also, one time he "peed" yellow, but it turned white, I think!
I am having alot of trouble guessing, because he is only three months old. It might of just been pee. At the time, I had one cardboard box in his cage, and I'm asuming that the cardboard could of turned it white as it hardened?

Also, chins have "boy" time? I never read about that.
Your chin is pretty young for all that, Tman. It sounds like it was just pee. When it dries and evaporates, it leaves a white film.

And yes, when they get older they do have boy time. It's how they clean themselves.
Ok, thanks for the advice. Does anyone have any good sites with info on this topic for chins. By the way, I plan to post pics of Charlie (my chin) soon.
This is the best website I know for accurate information from experienced chin owners. There is a wealth of information here, both in older threads and from a huge number of owners.

Use the search function; look for threads on checking for hair rings and such. There are many, and even a video to help you learn how to do it properly. It's important. :)
Thanks chinclub. I knew there was another good one, but didn't have time to look for it right then. :)