Potty Training? & Adopting 2 chinchillas (not bonded)?

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Well-known member
Nov 4, 2011
Federal Way, WA
1.) I know that you can try to potty train chinchillas, and I was wondering what type of "litter" is good to put into the pan? Any suggestions? I am getting my sister's chinchilla because she no longer wants it. I have been buying all the things for when he comes. I want to do fleece lining, but a potty area would be nice to have.

2.) Also, Charlie is about 2 years old. I don't know how his temperament is, but I was hoping to get another boy chinchilla so they can be friends. I'll have to ask her about his temperament. I don't know how much attention he gets, but I am thinking not that much. I have looked up getting chinchillas to become bonded (or at least try to) and was wondering how I should do this? Should I get them at the same time (then the new cage won't have either one of their scents), wait a while so Charlie gets used to me first, or what? Does the age of the other chinchilla matter? I ordered the ferret nation 142, so I could separate the two.

Any advice would be wonderful!!
I can give you some advice but since I have only one chin, others will have to pipe in for better advice.

My chin uses her litter pan, any metal/glass bowl - something that they can't chew apart - and I just use her old bedding as her litter. She has a fleece liner, so I use her bedding as litter and always leave just a little bit of the soiled bedding in her pan when I clean it so it is a constant reminder that this is where she is to go potty. For the most part she does very well, although I can't say that she has never had an accident. But it does keep her cage and pen much cleaner since she has had a litter box.

A second chin may or may not bond with your male. My chin is a single chin because she doesn't get along with others. But if you want to go ahead and try, you have to be prepared that they may not bond and you will need to keep them in 2 separate cages. Prior to introducing them, your new chin will have to be quarantined for 30 days.

Others will have to tell you about the actual bonding process, but again, it may or may not happen. I believe a younger chin, or kit, can help make the bonding process happen.

My chin is perfectly happy as a single chin. If you are around to give him attention, they really don't have to have a buddy. Some people also get a chin buddy, usually a fleece companion, if they can't have another chin.
i would suggest waiting to get a second chin. get used to having Charlie around, learn all you can on chins, ensure you have the finances to care for two (including vet bills), and then decide if you want to get another.

i had Rhino for about 6 months before i brought Guss home.
I may be doing it wrong but I decided I had enough room in my home and heart for two. I've had a chinchilla before though and couldn't live without one after having been with one for 2 1/2 years.

So I second ChinnyMom on waiting before getting a second chin. Your sister's chin is a lone chin and may be quite happy that way. And you get to lavish all your love and attention on one while learning how to care for it. I did that with my Chipper and there was a lot to learn. I'm so glad he was a single and I didn't have to do the juggling I'm doing right now. I think I would have felt a bit overwhelmed.

By overwhelmed I mean this: Unbonded chins need two of everything. Two cages, two sets of cage accessories, two blocks of time to play each night. Double the effort to spend time with them. That's got to be the hardest part for a person with a 9 hour a day job and other responsibilities. With one chin it was just fitting in morning greetings and cage sweeps and then a play time run at bed time when he was up. With two you have to plan things a bit more and I'm making it work. Thank goodness.

So enjoy your sister's chin for a while and think about two later. And congrates!
i use carefresh, because it's actually flushable
two chins one is potty train the other isn't, it's hard to catch 2nd one peeing
peeing in toilet = treat ... so whenever he understands this it'd be great!
as for fleece, (parents dont approve of washing it with regular laundry) i want to make enough fleece and one more so that i can wash one load of dirty liners =D, no waste of electricity /water

i think you should bond with the first one before getting another chin because chins learn from each other, so it's good that your first one is potty trained and has good habits too (ie no digging food out of the bowl T_T or pee in potty = treat and commands etcetc)
Well, I decided to get two! :hmm: I have the cage where I can separate them, and I will do that for a while. I want to bond with both of them. I only work part time (school bus driver), so I have quite a bit of free time with my job. If they never bond, then I can always have them separated. I already found a vet a few cities away that takes chinchillas and I have an appointment scheduled on Monday to take them both in for an appointment, to make sure they are both fine. Is that something people do, or do people only take in their chinchillas for things that have happened? Are we suppose to do yearly check ups like dogs/cats?

Man, I am so excited to get my chins! :) I have bought so much stuff online for them :cry3: I'm afraid to count it all up lol. I have two little dogs too... and they are so spoiled to. They are currently laying on their new heated blanket next to me haha.
If you do decide to get a second chin, you will need to quarantine the new one for 30 days. That means separate cages and separate rooms. Hands will need to be washed when going from one chin to the other. After quarantine is over, you can begin introductions.
If you do decide to get a second chin, you will need to quarantine the new one for 30 days. That means separate cages and separate rooms. Hands will need to be washed when going from one chin to the other. After quarantine is over, you can begin introductions.

Okay! Thanks so much! After you informed me I did a little search on it. I will keep them in separate rooms (living room & second bedroom). The younger one from the breeder will be in the new cage (one of the sections). I will be getting my sisters chinchilla tomorrow and he has a cage (not a great cage), but for now it will do for the quarantine. The new cage, FN 142, will be their cage (separated or not depending on their bonding). But I have a question, should they have play time in different rooms until the 30 days, I am assuming that's the point of the quarantine? And I suppose I am quarantining both of them. Also, should I give them their space from me for the first few days, or take them out for play time starting the first day?