Post Playtime?

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Jul 15, 2013
Columbia, MO
I took my chinchilla Gus into the bathroom for playtime, and when I put him back in his cage, he rolled around in the bedding, and laid down, like he was all tuckered out. He's only a couple of months old, was he just really tired/overstimulated from all the free space?
How long was the playtime? Young chins sometimes do not know their limits and can over exert themselves. He's probably just tired out.
Chins that are under six months old should have very short play times. I have read 5-10 min and then they should go back. A good rule of thumb is to shorten the play time if they sleep for a while immediately after play time.
That's an interesting question. I am a soon-to-be new chin owner and my chin is 3 years old. Is there a general rule of thumb for adult chins and how long they should have playtime?
There isn't really a general rule for adults. Some never get out of cage time and others get 3 hours a night. Really it depends on what you have time for and what your chin can handle.
Like mknoblich1 said, if you see signs of fatigue after playtime you should probably shorten it up a bit, especially with a baby.
I have 3 adult males, one of which is a senior. They don't all get along so we have split playtimes. The senior comes out first and plays for about an hour. The other one that gets along with everybody comes out shortly after. Then after the old man goes home the last one gets to play. So two each get an hour or so, and one gets almost 2 hours (he's a super spaz and would run all night if I let him).