Possible Bumble Foot?

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Apr 8, 2014
Los Angeles, California
I just noticed one of my chins calluses were a bit swollen and red, and dry and cracked with small scabs. I touched to see if it was warm to the touch and it wasnt warm. Im kinda of worried that this can be serious and if it is bumble foot i would not want the infection to go to his bones or other extremeties. If you guys would want a picture i can take a couple tomorrow. I do have alot of shelves in his cage. And he sits were he pees sometimes. I just dont want this to be serious. i have been searching for a knowledgable chinchilla vet but most see rabbits and guinea pigs and none havent seen any chinchillas. And if the vets ive found have seen chinchillas they have had 4 in the past couple of years. And idk if i should set for that vet or i should keep looking
Severe bumble foot will require antibiotics prescribed by a vet. Bumblefoot can also be treated with daily soaks in chlorine solution which is an antiseptic and applying Bag Balm to the pads of the feet. You also want to ensure all surfaces in the cage are clean.

However, chins do normally have dry feet and if the feet aren't reddened, cracked, swollen, and warm, then it probably isn't bumblefoot. Regardless, you should keep cage surfaces clean and any kind of break in the skin can lead to infection. You could always foot soak to be safe.