please share your chin cookie recipes!

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slave to Rhino and Guss
Jan 29, 2011
Edmonton, Alberta
hey all,

i've got a lot of chaff from a couple bags of hay here, and would like to have some great recipes to turn it into yummy nummy and healthy chin cookies for Rhino. so share what you make for your furbutt babies! thanks!
I think if you search it, there are a bunch. I seem to recall from a while ago :))

edit: I just searched "cookie recipe" and a few came up
i took a look at the recipes, and since i don't have molasses on hand i just winged a recipe of my own, lol. they're in the oven baking/drying right now, hope they turn out!

all i used was:

hay chaff (primarily from oxbow botanical, and a good bit of the herbs are in the chaff)
handful of shredded wheats, spoon size
enough water to make it mash together and hold (i just kept adding tiny amounts of water while mixing until the consistency was good)
about a teaspoon and a half of butternut squash baby food, just to give a lil flavour and bind it better. (the amount of squash per cookie will be teensy tiny). i saw recipes that called for canned pumpkin, so squash would be ok too, right? (i had the baby food leftover from when i used to make calcium enriched gel food for my snails).

mixed, mixed, and mixed some more, lol, and made little pressed piles on the cookie sheet. i didn't measure anything really, but the little piles are each 1/2 to 1 inch long, most of them roundish shape. there's 20 on the sheet and i have enough mix leftover to make about 20 more.

it sure smelled good while mixing! then again, i'm a former 'barn brat', lol, so i love the smell of hay.

i'm going to park my butt in front of the oven door now, to keep an eye on Rhino's treats. gotta make sure they don't burn! i think an hour at 225F will do, eh? and then cool for a while on the counter, of course.

nicest thing about these, if they turn out, is that they are 95% hay, so Rhino can have a whole one. spoiled lil guy....... lol.
they've been in the oven less than 15 minutes and my place smells WONDERFUL! i'll never have to buy candles or air freshener again, just bake chin cookies every day. hahaha!!!!
want to know the funniest thing? i don't ever bake! heck, i don't even have flour in my house, lol. yet i bake for my furry little master........ :rofl:

just poked my finger on one of the cookie piles and they are just about done! they might be a tad crumbly, but i consider this success for my first attempt. :))
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mmmm..... delicious and nutritious! lol.

the last of the mix i made into two larger cookies that i'll just crumble pieces off for Rhino. didn't feel like making a bunch of little ones.

they smell so good, i almost want to eat one, lol.

and oh, i realized i'm horrible at eyeballing size. they are a lot bigger than 1/2 to 1 inch, :rofl:


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Just make sure that they are completely dry the entire way through. Last time I made a batch I thought they were done...and then realized later that there was still moisture in it which could mold :(
the little ones are completely dry, and the big ones are still 'oven-ing', lol. hope they'll be done before 3pm, when i have to go pick up my kiddo from school.
I just remembered mine took what seemed like forever to dry/bake in the oven. I bake them on reynold's parchment paper so I can turn them over quickly.
i didn't bother turning these at all, and the pan i used is ancient, so it's now been delegated to chin treat making, lol.

i tossed the small ones back in the oven while the big cookies were finishing up, because i did find just one of the larger small ones still a tad soft. turned the oven off when i went to go get my kiddo, but left the cookies in.

got back home about 10/15 minutes ago and they are perfectly done and cool! and Rhino approved :)) gave him a little small one and he went and hid in his tube and i could hear munching noises. yay! i can't bake worth a darn for human beans but i've got hay cookie skills, lol!
I just made my first batch of chin cookies and will be giving Tinkerbell one tonight to see if she likes them. I cook for my family, I make my own dog food for my dogs...why not treats for my chin? lol. Hope she likes them
I am definitely gonna try that recipe!!! looks good! :D

Glad Rhino liked them!
i'm a decent cook, but i just can't bake human stuff at all, lol. i once made brownies that could have been used by the local hockey team for puck practice!

it was so easy to make these Kay, you'll have no trouble at all. i would have added a few rosehips if i had crushed ones, but all i have is whole and i didn't want to get the itchy stuff on me by crushing them, lol. next time i'm going to add in crushed up oxbow pellets, and try topping each cookie (i'll make them smaller) with a half cheerio. yeah, i'm getting all fancy now! hahaha!
Rhino now perks right up whenever he hears a ziploc bag rustling! lol. before, his treats were just in a small tupperware and i'd shake it and he knew that the sound meant treat time, but now it's all about the ziploc....... he even tried to get his head right in when i was holding the bag, trying to get a cookie out for him. :))

please excuse me while i popcorn for being so happy i made treats that he likes! lol.
I'm not a baker or a cook but can you just use regular molasses instead of blackstrap molasses?
You need to use "blackstrap" molasses. It has about 30-40% less added sugar than regular molasses.