Pictures of YOU

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Me back when I was cute

Me at graduation...3 years ago.. Wow I feel old now..

Me and my sisters last year after Initiation (I like this one because I look skinny LOL)

Spirit Squad

Me and the Love of my life before he got sick

My heart bleeds for him.
That's really cool. Mine change nearly every day. One day they'll be sky blue, the next green. and the day after that a greyish color. I even had them turn dark blue on the outer edge, light blue in the inner part, and a golden/amber color right around my pupil. It was rather strange when I looked in the mirror. :groovy:
Mine do the exact same thing too. It's really weird, but pretty!
This is an older one of me.

And this one was taken as I was getting ready for a formal dinner on my cruise to the Bahamas...
Folks - Could we limit this a bit on the pictures. I know you want to share, but Michelle, you really haven't changed since the last four pictures you posted a couple days ago, so four more new ones really isn't necessary to the thread.

Let's try and keep this to a reasonable amount for the people who have to use dial up.
Would it be better if people maybe posted one picture, and simply linked to their other images? That way, people could click if they wanted, but wouldn't have to wait for a bunch of images to load.
It's not so bad if you want to post a picture of you and a chin, then you and your family, but I think 8 face shots of just yourself, might be a bit much.
It's not so bad if you want to post a picture of you and a chin, then you and your family, but I think 8 face shots of just yourself, might be a bit much.

Yeah, I agree. Not like I don't want to see 8 pictures of you lovely people, but idk, seems a little obsessive! Maybe if you have a bunch of cool pictures of yourself that you want to share, you could make a new topic for it? Links are a good idea too.
I'm not responsible for any broken monitors... sorry..

Waiting at a concert..

With my niece.. excuse the red eyes (I forgot to fix them, lol)

With my husband at a Linkin Park concert (oh yes, I'm a groupie..)

and with a friend who I miss so much since she moved to NY...

Sorry if I posted too many!
It's not so bad if you want to post a picture of you and a chin, then you and your family, but I think 8 face shots of just yourself, might be a bit much.

Or maybe a few pictures with the whole face showing rather than a bunch of the typicak "myspace" half face pictures.
Orlando and Katie + unborn daughter.

Me and my gorgeous husband.
Our daughter.
(I was pulling up the shirt in the back, rest assured it covers me completely! or at least a month ago when this photo was taken, it did.)