PICS of before and after skinny chins to happy chins

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Yes Tagna, I hadn't updated my site....but it had been CHANGED and no longer reads that....I just checked and it NO LONGER says that also......I had originally thought of rehoming them together, I admit, because I thought Smoky was sterile and they were BONDED. ....but changed my you can see from MY HERD page. Sonata is not for sale.

My site says this now:
Also for sale is SMOKY a two year old male standard eb carrier violet carrier. He is pet quality only because he is very small, even though he comes from Ritterspach and Exquisite Ebonies lines.

Yes the reason why I found out about Smoky is because he is one of my babies!!!! I bred him and felt obligated to get him back and nurse him back to health!

WOW......why, when someone tries to do a GOOD THING on here, they get attacked!
These two were together for almost two and a half years, and my intent was to nurse them back to health TOGETHER......since he was a non producer. Well, I have since thought about it, and realize that maybe she did not get pregnant by him (she has been proven in the past) because of her health I no longer wanted to sell them together!!! (like when an anorexic human no longer gets their period due to starvation) I hadn't thought about that.....
hey, we learn on here, don't we? my only sin is that I saw that my BABY and Sonata were in a poor state of health, so I wanted to purchase them, and nurse them back to health, and either REHOME THEM, or as I knew I would, fall in love with them and keep them.
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OH, and when I originally had them on my website together it should have said
"bonded non breeding pair" they have never bred.
But, as I mentioned.....they will be monitored for three months (at least 111 days for Sonata) for health issues. Smoky will then be put up for adoption for a fee of 50.00, and I will decide about Sonata.
I'm glad to hear that! And, maybe you'll get so attached that you could never let them go. :)

Yeah, I am starting to think that, to be honest!!! Smoky is a little sweetie.
He gives kisses...:kiss:....he runs to the cage to greet me now, and I put my hands out and he hops on and crawls up my shoulder and sits there....
The reason that you are feeling "got at" is because people are picking up on the contradictions in your posts! The story keeps changing & that always gets people wondering why.

I will give you some clear examples:

They are both from wonderful lines. Sonata is from .com and is show quality, and Smoky's parents are nice big chins from really good USA breeders.

Yes the person that I got them from actually was hoping to breed them in that condition. When I said they had great lineage, I know that is not good enough to breed them in that condition, but at least they are not pet store chins with a bad background. ................
I am falling more and more in love with them daily. I have a colony of females here (four females together in a really large cage) that I might try putting Sonata with (right now she is alone, was going to put her with a female baby later) but Sonata is a dominant female so it might not work out.

I had originally thought of rehoming them together, I admit, because I thought Smoky was sterile and they were BONDED.

Also for sale is SMOKY a two year old male standard eb carrier violet carrier. He is pet quality only because he is very small, even though he comes from Ritterspach and Exquisite Ebonies lines.

Yes the reason why I found out about Smoky is because he is one of my babies!!!! I bred him and felt obligated to get him back and nurse him back to health!

These two were together for almost two and a half years, and my intent was to nurse them back to health TOGETHER......since he was a non producer.

hey, we learn on here, don't we? my only sin is that I saw that my BABY and Sonata were in a poor state of health, so I wanted to purchase them, and nurse them back to health, and either REHOME THEM, or as I knew I would, fall in love with them and keep them.

It's all inconsistent & I have not included the whole "for sale" on different sites stuff.............

That you have gotten them into a healthier state is not in question here - it's the whole "back story" that goes with these chins which is being raised as an issue.
In your first post why didn't you just say that Smoky was one of the chinchillas you had bred?
If that really is the case then why keep saying he is from wonderful lines? Why not just say you bred him? Also what does it matter anyway if you think he is sterile, is "very small", & is going to be sold to a pet home? His background doesn't matter one bit.

I have to say I feel sorry for Smoky - the way this thread comes across is that you are keeping the nice, big, blocky female with the possible intent to breed her again (from your earlier posts). Poor Smoky gets offered up almost as soon as you get him back because he's not good enough for you to breed with. :(
HI there Claire, let me clear some things up:as all the above statements are true: it is so hard to explain things in writing sometimes and I apologize if things are unclear:

SMOKY'S parents are from wonderful USA lines, that is what I meant, his lineage. I had his parents, they were from how is that a contradiction? I no longer have his parents, a friend of mine does. This was three years ago......then,
I sold him (the kit) to someone, and recently saw him in a poor condition and bought him back, how is that inconsistent?

I am keeping the big "blocky" female only because she has been moved around to too many homes and she is 7 years old and possibly pregnant. Smoky is the social one who loves one on one attention, thus would be great as someone's pet.
The "for sale" on different sites has been explained. I bought them back in a terrible state, was going to nurse them back to health and rehome them as a pair, thinking that he could not produce and they could be TOGETHER. But I have been corrected and advised, and I have taken that advice and have separated them. I will NOT sell Sonata now, in case she is pregnant. I had intended to sell her in the past, yes.

I realize that the people on here are very protective of chins and their well being, but so am I.
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If you had posted the whole story at the beginning no-one would have been questioning your account at all - your posts read as inconsistent/embellished/deliberately vague until pressed to give a full answer all the way through....................
Your evasiveness is part of what has prompted the questions especially since these chins have been posted for sale not too long ago - can you not understand why people are raising the issues?
Without the proper back story (w hich you could easily have posted initially) your posts come across as inconsistent (contradictory, discrepancy, denial).

You did not answer the questions I raised:
In your first post why didn't you just say that Smoky was one of the chinchillas you had bred?
If that really is the case then why keep saying he is from wonderful lines? Why not just say you bred him? Also what does it matter anyway if you think he is sterile, is "very small", & is going to be sold to a pet home? His background doesn't matter one bit.

I still feel sorry for Smoky.
I have to say I feel sorry for Smoky ............................. Poor Smoky gets offered up almost as soon as you get him back because he's not good enough for you to breed with. :(
I guess I should have put in my first post that Smoky was one of my kits born almost 2 1/2 years earlier...but I didn't know that all of these questions would be throughout the thread. I had just intended on showing how much they had changed in the month since they had come to me. I answered the questions as they were asked. It was horrifying to me to see them so skinny and greasy, and I wanted to share the after picture with fellow chin owners.
I do tend to be vague, yes, I don't volunteer information until asked.
As far as "embellishing" that is untrue and unfair....being in law enforcement (many years) I realize the importance of the truth.

The truth is:
I saw a kit that I sold almost three years ago, and he was in poor shape. I wanted him back, paid for him, and his cagemate, and proceeded to nurse them back to health. I didn't intend to keep him as I only have certain number of cages, and yes I breed, and have done so for five years now (my chins get the best of everything) I was hoping beyond hope that I could find him a great home. Perhaps I should not have posted them so quickly and watched their health closely for the three months that I have been advised on here. That was a mistake. I should have waited, but usually rehoming chins to the right home is a long process so even if they are posted immediately it sometimes takes months for the perfect home.

I realize, Claire, that you are only looking out for the well being of the animals. No offence taken.

As far as Smoky goes, there is no need to feel sorry for him now...a month ago, yes...but now he is a happy little guy. I know his size is not an issue in a pet home, its just that a pet home would offer him one on one attention that he loves.
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As far as "embellishing" that is untrue and unfair....
I said your posts read as, not that they actually were ..........

I think this highlights one of the problems with the written word & internet forums in general - it is easy to misinterpret what is being said & also to misinterpret tone/intent etc.

Thank you for answering the questions raised - I hope Smoky & Sonata contiue to thrive under your care.
I said your posts read as, not that they actually were ..........

Thank you for answering the questions raised - I hope Smoky & Sonata contiue to thrive under your care.

Thank you for your continued concern for the chinchillas and their wellbeing!

This is still all a bit confusing to me and I am trying to make sense out of it but I have a question. Why is Smoky listed on your website as part of "Our Herd" as well as he's listed on your friend's site under "Breeders For Sale"? Or did this all get covered already? Really, it's none of my business what you do with your chinchillas unless of course you're abusing or neglecting them but you're the one who posted the thread so now you've got me curious about some things.

Smoky, Standard ebony and violet carrier male, exquisite ebonies and ritterspatch lines, is $150
HI there...
no problem in answering questions....


He is listed as part of my herd only because he lives here, not because I intended to keep him. That is the only page that I have my chins listed. It clearly says who is for sale on that page also.
As far as my friend goes, The "breeders/adult chins for sale" is just a place where my friend lists her adult chins. I thought the same thing when I saw she had all her chins posted there. My non producer King was on there too, and it even said non producer beside his name. She just thought she was doing me a favour by posting on her site too.
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