Petsmart chin

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Corgi Chins n Coons

New member
Mar 11, 2014
I'm new here (hi!). A few weeks ago our guinea pig of 6 years passed away and I was pretty bummed, and my boyfriend tried to cheer me up my surprising me with a nice double critter nation cage and a female chinchilla- from petsmart :-/ I love him for the gesture, but I'm not a huge fan of pets from pet stores. So I decided that I needed a friend of our petsmart chin (Betty) and I found a breeder and brought home Annie yesterday. She is GORGEOUS and friendly and has amazing velvet fur. Now that I have the 2 to compare, I can see how much healthier and livelier the well bred chin (Annie) is.

Is there anything I can do to help the petsmart chin get that healthy? I have them in oxbow food and hay, which I doubt petsmart chin (Betty) was on before.

Any supplements? Any signs of declining healthy I should watch for? This morning she let us pet her, which is the first time - my bf thought that was great, but it made me worrry...maybe paranoid. We had been working to bind with her, maybe it paid off.

Thanks guys!
Good hay, pellets, and good water are all a typical chin needs to be healthy. You should get a kitchen scale that weighs in grams so you can track their weight and make sure they are both gaining. Also, if you haven't introduced them already don't. You should quarantine a new chin for 30 days to make sure they are not sick. If one of the chins is sick it may not show up for a while then you will wind up with two sick chins if they are already together.