Not acting normal. Not eating much

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New member
Jan 3, 2014
I have a female chin who over the last few days I've been staying on the bottom part of her cage and not really moving kind of just laying there sleeping all the timeand isn't really eating much there are no that's in the area that handle exotics any suggestions would be wonderful is there something I can force feed her or try to feed her that she may be willing to eat
It sounds as though your chin is displaying lethargy. If she is, she needs a vet. We cannot diagnose what is wrong with her, a vet needs to. There are exotic vets in every state, even if it requires a bit of a drive. If you post where you are located, we may be able to steer you to one.

Force feeding a lethargic chin may get you a dead chin. I would not do a whole lot until I knew what was going on. How warm is it where she is? Was she out running around before she got sick? Has anything changed?
Is there a chance this chinchilla could be pregnant? As stated by tunes a vet would be your best option to help this chin. Is this a different chinchilla from the one that was bitten by the rat?
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