non formed poop/mats-new rescued chinchilla!!

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Flufenes causes grins! ;)
Mar 3, 2012
I am new to the area so I have not selected an exotics Vet yet, but you guys we're recommended to me! I currently have a 6 month old happy and healthy chinchilla (already had her wellness check-up:) and just two days ago I found myself in a situation where I had no choice but to adopt from a rescue (Fallin Pines Critter Rescue, Christmas, FL ) ,an adorable additional female. I did not have an opportunity to see her, or give her an inspection before I agreed to take her.( Once I saw her I could not let her go back to her current enviroment-it felt like I rescued her from a rescue:/) Her condition was worse than the rescue let on to me in the phone/email interviews. She is approximately 1 year old and a pattern/color mutation black (black velvet). Her demeanor is very sweet and loves to cuddle, but still has plenty energy to play/explore/run around. The only history/health history she came with was her approximate age and that she,2 hedge hogs, and a hamster were given up by the owner because she could not financially support/had enough time for all the animals any longer and she had a "few" mats. She has a spot roughly 1.5 in x 1.5 in on her backside where mats were cut out and still has a few here and there. I have managed to get one or two more out and she's patient in letting me do so but some still remain and I know this will cause her stress/more issues if left in. The corner of one of her eyes was “glued" closed with some crusties and some light yellow tinged, slightly white discharge -although no redness present at this time. I gently cleansed with sterile eye wash at a warm temperature and applied new and sterile Gentamicin Ophthalmic Ointment. It is one day later and the eye remains open with almost no crusting and only a scant amount of clear drainage. From what I can tell she has no signs of malocclusion , but I am not a trained professional. I have adequate Chinchilla experience and am also a nurse but I wanted to have a wellness check-up for her because of the environment in which she inhabited was cause for alarm. She was in one of a series of four ground hutches. On either side of her only separated by chicken type wire, were some species of exotic squirrels and native squirrels that ran free but were tame and also bunnies. This hutch was outside, but in the shade. The temp was in the 80's and somewhat humid. I almost went into a panic because I know Chinchillas should be kept in an environment close to 70 degrees, but she seemed to be fine. She's very resilient I've noticed :). The hutch floor was the ground and it was dirt basically. I did not notice a dust bath either(it was a big area with a lot in it-but she had it to herself). For the past two days I have given her unlimited access to Blue Cloud dust baths and she has taken advantage of that! She has had a hearty appetite with me and loves her timothy based pellets, timothy hay, and some alfalfa hay. She also drinks plenty of distilled water, and chews/ plays with her apple wood sticks. I noticed yesterday that her stool was not formed like it should be and the color was a little lighter brown.No mucus or blood though. I switched her to just timothy hay and will try probiotics/live cultures later today if it doesn't improve. Sadly, this is all the information I have on her as of current .
I wrote this last night and she has taken some of the live cultures. She's still as active as can be and happy. I managed to get more of the mats left by the "gently tug and fur slip method" and she's fine with it. I have emailed seven vets and am waiting for a response(and will call when 9:00 hits) so I can get her in ASAP.I would like to know in the mean time if theres anything else I can do!! Thank you!!
Her name is Momo;)
Oh that poor baby! I am so so very pleased that you've saved her from such an awful environment. Well done to you, I am sure watching her improve will be a wonderful reward for your efforts.
The loose poops could be giardia, and a fecal slide test by a vet would quickly answer that question. Or it could just be that changing her diet has affected her digestive system? She might just need extra fibre. You could try limiting her pellets and giving tons of hay, and cutting out treats just for now? Some people also give activated charcoal too. Probiotics is definitely a good idea, maybe even critical care for a few days?

Not sure about her eye... could be an infection, or could even be malo (I really hope its not though). You'd definitely need a vet to check that, plus get x-rays for her tooth roots....hopefully one of those vets you emailed will get back to you soon, as I am sure her check up will soon answer all these worries.

You seem to have it all under control!! It sounds like you're doing an awesome job too. Here's hoping she is all okay, and that the vet gives her the all clear :)

Are you intending to intro her to your other chin eventually? She is so lucky to have you!
Vet appontment scheduled for Monday morning first thing. The Vet expressed concern about possible salmonella exposure, especially with the hedgehogs and other exotic animals being kept right near her and like you said,giardia. They're going to do a full poo screen to test . I see no other symptoms of mala beside the eye/poo syptoms , so I pray to God that its not:/! Going to try the toast treatment this morning( Thanks!:). I'm just wondering how they don't detest the flavor/smell.

And yes, about introducing the two! I've been keeping them at a safe distance in separtae cages just in case it is something contagious and to allow them to somewhat get a feel for each other. It is hillarious-I can already tell they love each other! My little healthy Chin-Kiwi-looks longingly after her when I take her away to treat her eye and remains sad till I restore her friend to the cage not far from her. They face each other and stand on their hind legs against the bars and chatter and chirp happily at each other. Its so adorable! ITs going to be a long anticipated wait to introduce them! Kiki is ony 5month and Momo is approx 1 year . I'm hoping Momo will take the motherly role to Kiwi ( and will hopefully calm Kiwi down a little:)
Just a quick note here. You should have quarantined the new chin in a separate room from the chin you already had. Quarantine lasts thirty days and you should wash your hands when going between chins. If the new chinchilla has something contagious, it probably has been transmitted to the other one. Proper quarantine would have avoided that.
They are across the room from one another. Separate rooms/areas for play time also. If I handle/after play time with the other chin, I change clothes and sanitize my whole body before touching the other. They don't share dustbaths or anything for that matter. Its higly unlikely that Kiwi is contaminated. The only way would be if it was an airbourne illness. Thank you though for your concern!
Proper quarantine is separate rooms as well as separate cages. Separate rooms prevents any airborne illnesses from passing between the chins.