New Chin?

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Jun 14, 2015
For the past few months I've been really wanting to get a second chin for my two year old male. Should they be about the same age, or would it matter if I got a younger one? I know that I should get another male to avoid any unexpected babies,:kiss: but other than that I'm not sure. I know they can't share a cage off the bat, and I think the main thing holding me back is the chance that they will never get along and be able to live together. I just really don't want the chin i have to get depressed because he's by himself. I know someone who's chin died of depression, and I really don't want that to happen to Toby. Thoughts or advice??
If the chinchilla has never been bonded to another chin they will not feel lonely. The issue would be if they have been bonded and their cage mate is removed for some reason. There is a reasonable chance they will never bond and there isn't a way to 'know' before you get one that it will bond with your current chinchilla. Then you would have two unbonded chins that may never get along with another chinchilla depending on how the attempted intro goes.

Have you considered a stuffed fleece cuddle buddy for your chinchilla instead? There is someone that sells them on here and I think it may be a good option for 'company' if you want a guarantee the 'companion' won't fight or hurt your current chin.
Thanks! He already has a fleece buddy but i wasn't sure if that would be enough. I think I was just looking for an excuse to get a second one tbh. 😃