Need to feel like we're doing the right thing...chin with malo.

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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2009
Great Falls, Montana
My black velvet, Hero, is a little over 3 years old. He started showing signs last month of tooth problems- a slight drool, some pawing at his mouth- so we took him to the vet as soon as we could get him in. Here's what's been going on:

They took a look at him; short of a few sharp ends an a slightly longer-than-normal set of bottom front teeth, they deemed him overall healthy. As he was drooling very little, they decided not to put him through anesthesia; so no x-rays. They sedated him, sanded down the sharp bits, and sent him home.

That was 3 weeks ago. The first week they had us keep him on a painkiller regimen alongside critical care feeding and an antibiotic/probiotic rotation. He never stopped drooling, though. When they called for a follow-up a week and a half after, they reminded me to double check that his weight was staying decent and to keep an eye on how much food he's eating on his own. I did- and though he started out looking fine, he was eating less and less each day and was losing weight noticeably. We amped up the critical care routine and kept him hydrated.

Took him back into the vet yesterday after we realized there's no way he's getting better on his own. He's too cold and too tired all the time. He's lost a horrible amount of weight- started at around 589 grams, now down to a little more than 400.They had us bring him in today for x-rays.

It's malo. The worst kind; his back molars are growing upwards and are starting to put pressure on his eye socket. I'll attach the x-rays in a follow-up comment. They gave him an injection of painkillers that should last 3 days and sent him home with us.

My husband and I are heartbroken. This little guy is our only pet; he's been the best companion over the past 3 years and has brought us tons of joy. He's affectionate, and would sit on our shoulders or curl up in our laps and watch tv with us...he was social, and always greeted our friends...up until a couple months ago, he would popcorn all around the living room when he got a new stick to chew on. Cutest little ball of fluff we could have ever asked for.

We're expecting to have to put him down this weekend. Even though the vet offered to keep going with painkillers for a while longer, we know that there's nothing we can do to fix it and we just can't drag it out for him. No amount of meds can make us feel like he's feeling okay.

I've never dealt with this before (Hero has been our only chin.) I don't know what kind of quality of life there is for a chin with malo like this, but I can't imagine it could be a good one. Please, if anybody else has gone through this with a chin, I could really use some reassurance that we'd be doing the right thing by putting him down now rather than waiting...thanks.
I'm so sorry. :(
I think your doing a good thing for him though, as I would want to limit his suffering as much as possible.

My thoughts are with you and Hero.
i'm so sorry to hear about Hero! :( spend the next few days loving him as much as you can, and then give him the kindest goodbye.

sending big hugs to you and hubby!
My heart breaks for you. Hero was a very lucky boy to have such thoughtful chin parents. I know your heart will break when you say goodbye to him, but this is the last gift you can give him, release from pain and suffering. (((Hero))))
I'm so sorry. Sounds like Hero had a great life with two wonderful owners!!

You are making the right decision. My thoughts are with you all.
I have never had a chin with malo or any dental issues. I can say that given the information, I would be doing the same thing. If that makes you feel any better about it. I'm very sorry.
I think you're doing the right thing for Hero, and the hardest possible thing for a pet owner to face. Take the days you have to spoil him rotten with snuggles and whatever he cares to eat; it seems to salve our hearts when we can look back on their last days and know they felt loved. ((hugs))
What a difficult decision to make, and one that only you can make.

I have not yet experienced a malo chin, but I have heard the phrase, "Better a moment too soon than a moment too late".

I would love him and spoil him to his heart's content with all of his favorite things. As long as the vet can give you an assurance that this pain med will last 3 days, I would go for it and then do the most loving thing for him that you could ever do.

My thoughts, sympathies and prayers are with you. :flowers5:
Helping him over the bridge is the most unselfish and loving act you can do for Hero. You are doing the right thing. Unforunately malo can not be cured and it sounds like it is really affecting him already.

Love him, snuggle him, give him as many treats as he wants until it is time for him to go. I am so sorry. :(
Having had to make the decision to put down 2 of my precious boys to malo was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. In the end, as hard as it was I know I did the right thing by them. My heart breaks for you but know you will be doing right by him. Love him and spoil him. I'm so sorry.
I am so terribly sorry you are being faced with such a heartbreaking decision. I agree with the others - you are doing the right thing for Hero (especially after looking at those xrays & reading your description of his changed behaviour). I also agree that you should love him to bits for the last few days of his life- he is fortunate to have such caring owners & I am sure if he could he would thank you for taking such good care of him, even to the end.

The philosophy of "rather a minute too soon than a second too late" is one I use with all of my chins & I truly believe the last, kindest, most precious & loving act you can do for a beloved pet is give them a peaceful, dignified, & gentle ending.

My heart goes out to you & my thoughts are with you all.
Thanks everyone. The kind words and support really do help.

I woke up this morning (as I have most mornings) forgetting that he was sick, and expecting to see his little face pop out of his tube begging for breakfast. Finding him instead curled up in the corner with no energy and little response reinforces the decision to let him go.

I wouldn't wish this on any chin mom.
I do believe you are making the best decision. You truly love him enough to end his life on a happy note, and not in pain.

I am so sorry you have to go through that. I know how hard it is to loose a chin.

He is truly a lucky boy for such a wonderful family!
It so heartbreaking to read that. I'm sorry for you and your little guy. My thoughts are with you through this tough time and know that you are doing the best by him. :hugs: to both of you.
I am so so sorry. He sounds and looks like an adorable little guy. I am glad you were able to have a Hero, even if his time here was too short. Hugs to you and your hubby.
I just want to let everyone know that Hero passed away in his sleep this afternoon. We are devastated to see him go, but are glad to know that he was not in pain and was able to go while curled up on his blanket in his home. I think he preferred it this way.

Thanks again for all of the kind words. Hero was very loved. He will always be remembered.