Need Help: 2 Brothers Fighting & Strange reactions

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lovin' my chinny boys!
Oct 3, 2012
Los Angeles, CA
Needing some help here... Here's the basics of our story:

I got my two chins from a rescue shelter in Sept. 2010. They are brothers and bonded and have lived together forever. However, after having them for about a year and a half, they started fighting. First we separated them for a week, re-introduced them and they were fine, but only for another 2 weeks. From there, we separated them (four level cage that divides in half, so each had 2 large levels. The one on top (who was the one chasing the other to the point of cowering in the corner... there were no actual injuries but emotionally and psychologically I think he was pretty damaged by it) was taunting the other one. Finally, we split the cage so they couldn't feel the movement of the other, etc. We have the cages set up side by side in the only room in our house with AC (and living in LA where it's 100 degrees lately, we know that's extremely important). I also have a barrier between the cages so they can't see each other or interact in any way. That has calmed both of them down quite a bit after the first couple of weeks. I still wish I could have them even further separated as they spook each other once in awhile... but not sure if that's important?!?!? Any thoughts would be great.

Last night I did have an issue I need help with. I was spoon-feeding Splinter (my sick guy who is recovering), he jumped out into my arms and his usually more aggressive brother, Cotton, saw him. I'm almost positive that was the first time they've caught a glimpse of each other since January when I permanently separated them. He seems to freak out a little. He wouldn't come near me and he was making the warning sound where it starts off with a loud squeak and tapers off... He did for a couple of hours, on and off. I tried calming him down... and he started to calm when I walked away from his cage. But continued squeaking through the night and running a lot more than usual in his wheel. I don't think his brother, Splinter, really was affected by it... I didn't notice a change in his behavior.

So, my question is... what do I need to do? Give Cotton time to know that his brother can't reach him? That I'm still safe to be around? (I don't want things to change as he's so social and loves to sit and even sleep on my lap.) I didn't sleep at all last night worrying about it. I wish I could move them further apart but that can't happen where we live now. So any alternatives???

Please help! I've been worried about having two so close together since I had to separate them... I try to spend a lot of time with them so no-one is lonely and they get tons of play time.