My Pride and Joy...

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Wow!!!!!!! They are gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!i loovvee their coloring. I think kiwi would love her a little ebony bebe to snuggle. Do you think they'd like it up here? Lol.
Aww, congrats. They are so cute. Reminds me of what my little Bear would've looked like as a baby. :(

Awwww Stace :( I'm so sorry about Bear.

Thanks everyone for the kind words. These little ones will be staying here to be shown next year at Nationals and if they turn out to be anything like their sire, they'll both be going in breeding here. Otherwise, Tabitha called dibs :p
Wow. Congrats! They are beautiful. Do you think they will stay that dark? Or could they lighten up? I hope they stay dark and grow up just as great as they look now!