My Dog & My Chin

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Ship-Captain Sam
Aug 2, 2013
Sparks, NV
Just a cute short video of my boy Norman and my other boy Pirate getting along swimmingly.

Click here

Norman was sitting on his tail: but whenever small animals get close to him he wags his tail extremely fast.

He's absolutely fascinated with Pirate and really enjoys pushing his nose into his fur (I don't blame him).

And, he's so well behaved after lots of training and love. Before I let him get close to Pirate I made him stay in his bed completely, something of which he doesn't like to do but he listens well.

He also plays this well with my tiny Parakeet. But of course: they're never left alone unsupervised. Norman has a tendency to misbehave if I'm not in the room (although I don't think he'd ever intentionally hurt anything except for bugs or threatening men).
While it's cute to let other animals play with our chinchillas please be very careful. Chinchillas will pull hair and it could cause problems. Also dogs and cats have bacteria that can be dangerous to other animals. Especially in the case of your little parakeet because of it's small body mass. Most birds die caught by a dog or cat even if they aren't hurt because of the saliva. Please be very careful with your dear pets.
While it's cute to let other animals play with our chinchillas please be very careful. Chinchillas will pull hair and it could cause problems. Also dogs and cats have bacteria that can be dangerous to other animals. Especially in the case of your little parakeet because of it's small body mass. Most birds die caught by a dog or cat even if they aren't hurt because of the saliva. Please be very careful with your dear pets.

I actually asked my aunt (who is an exotics vet technician) what 'bacteria' would be harmful to him that Norman could be carrying (both Pirate and Oscar) and she said there are very few things, and if any, would need to be contaminated in large amounts; from an actual sickness (of which my dog is 100% healthy); or absolutely direct such as via eating another's feces, licking of the eyes obsessively, or licking each other's tongues directly. And either way, they have restricted contact and when they do have slight contact my dog does not mouth him, lick him, sneeze on him or anything he has access to, hit him, anything of the sorts (and if Pirate were to pull his hair, bite him, climb on him, anything, he wouldn't do anything: and if he were to try, I'd be right there either way. He's one of the most docile dogs you will ever meet and even tolerates my cousin's grumpy cats who like to smack him around).

So thanks for your concern and I understand your concern, but there's little need for it to be a concern. Please just enjoy this video for what it is; a small friendship; rather than a deadly negative situation because that's not what it should be and is not what it is.
Dogs can be reservoirs of staphylococcus and pasteurella in their nasal cavities without symptoms and it can be passed on to the chin with nose to chin contact-especially the eyes, both infections are fatal in most cases. We have had two deaths on the forums documented as staph, both had close dog contact per the OPs, one by licking the chin whenever they played, chin got a severe eye infection and died of a URI, one by the dog licking the poo off the floor and the chin would scoot its bottom in it, that chin died of a staph infection of the uterus. On the forum when we see "deadly negative situations" people will have input to hopefully avoid chin injury.