My chinchilla potty trained herself

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Mar 17, 2014
Does anyone else's chinchilla do this? My chin Bella will only poop inside of her cage, when I let her out, she never poops anywhere, and if she needs to, she just runs back in her cage, it's great lol

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Mine did but only when he pees. XD He doesn't poop much outside his cage though so it doesn't bother me. I'm just glad he doesn't pee all over his cage. XD
Thanks she's so adorable. And lol it's so weird to me. But she pees in the same spots all the time, they're just obnoxious spots so it sucks :(

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HAHAHAHHAHAHHHAHAHAH LMFAO that was funny. and yes that is AWESOME. bella seems very smart. do you know how she trained herself? When did this start? i need to teach shadow to do this
I have no idea :eek: the first week I got here, she would poop everywhere, then after that, she never pooped anywhere but her cage. I wish I could help but I don't know how :(

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I have no idea :eek: the first week I got here, she would poop everywhere, then after that, she never pooped anywhere but her cage.

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That's soo funny! My Baby Chin is the same way. After the first week or so, she stopped pooping outside of the cage. She also only pee's in one area of her cage, in the back corner... It's adorable (and convenient for me lol), during play time she drops her toys, runs back to her cage, does her business, and comes back to where she left off.
My one chin is litter trained but he only pees in his litter pan and he just poops anywhere.:pillowfight:
My Jasper is starting to do this too! He used to poo any old place when he was out and about but last night when I had him out, he kept running back to his cage to poo and I was really surprised. I guess they figure they don't want to leave their smells around the house for any "predators" that may be lurking.