My chin scared me!

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
I was feeding the chins last night, and was in panic mode for about 20 seconds. I did not see Jett in the cage with Terrance. I was ready to call my mom, and ask if she had left him out, when I saw a lump under the fleece in the bottom of the cage. Jett had buried himself under the cage liner. I shooed him out and put the liner back down. He was back under the liner this morning. My liners are just folded fleece. I'm getting ready to weigh the corners down :p
Zoidberg always pulls up the corner of fleece under his house to use as a blankie too! I have chiller under his house, but he still manages to get the fleece up.
Wakka loves her blankets I cut up some fleece and put in her cage and make a little bed out of it and she loves it and is sometimes under She does however (just recently) pull her liner up and get under it.... :)
Silver Chin has taken to rolling his entire fleece up like a yoga mat and then somehow managing to weigh it down so it stays rolled up all night......silly chin!
Yay I'm not the only one!! Sensi doesnt care for the fleece on the bottom of the cage, but the fleece liners I wrapped around her plastic shelves are her favorite! I tried putting her sister's bed in there, giving her pillows, hammocks, whatever I could think of and no matter what by the end of the day I always see this tiny little lump under the shelves.. smh.. silly chins