Moist Poops & Little Diarrhea

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lovin' my chinny boys!
Oct 3, 2012
Los Angeles, CA
My little boy, Splinter (who some remember as having some issues with dental) has been doing better... eating more, drinking more, very active... However, now that he's pooping again, the last few days his poops have been somewhat moist to the point where some are sticking together or they squish a little if stepped on. Today I found a little pile of diarrhea. What do I do to get his poops back to normal?

Additional Info: He's still eating Critical Care (on a spoon willingly) and has been drinking quite a bit of water. He eats very little regular Timothy Hay and no pellets (yet!).

Ideas?? Help???
By "pile of diarrhea" I guess I actually mean a cluster of moist poops all stuck together, that kind of smushed and smeared when I touched it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
No odor, solid and not hollow, and no slime.

I'm also noticing it's ONLY after the morning feeding. The last couple of days, I've noticed them around lunchtime, yet since I cleaned it up till now, there haven't been any more.

It's almost like he's TOO hydrated if that's possible. I also noticed he's cutting back his water intake over the last 24 hours so maybe he's evening it out himself ?!?!
It did cool down considerably... went from 90s to 50s outside, so it did change in the house. Trying to get it back to consistent.

And yes, he is eating more of the Critical Care food so his appetite is coming back strong!!! Got him to eat a Shredded Wheat last night in hopes that would help, too.