Lookie what I brought home!

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2009
So I work in not the greatest neighborhood at a casino... And I have to avoid this one road because there is a pack of about 20 dogs that roam the streets every night at the SAME time.. You cant miss them..

Well I was waiting to get on the shuttle that the casino provides to take us to our cars.. While I was waiting there was this cute little black puppy that ran up to me! There were about 20 other people around be he ran up to me.. And stupid me(not knowing this dog) gets down on the floor and put my face right up to his and started giving him some lovin'! He was giving me lovin' right back! And I looked at the security officer standing there and said.. "I shouldnt take him.. But you know I am!" While watching him for a few minutes.. I noticed he had scars on his face.. and he had so many fleas.. he would stop.. scratch.. walk to feet.. stop scratch...scratch.. scratch.. etc The poor dear couldnt seem to function with out scratching.

He was super skinny.. And covered in dirt.. and smelled of blood.

He slept the whole 30 mintues home. When I got him home I didnt even let him touch the floor in the house yet.. He went straight into the shower! I gave him 3 baths with 3 different shampoos. I have never seen SO MANY FLEAS! I picked off over 200 by hand.. There were hundreds coming off on their own too..
After the first two baths I realized I was going to need actual flea stuff. So I went to Walgreens.. and found some there. Once I put it on him they were jumping off like crazy! I also got him some flea drops for now.. I couldnt risk him having fleas in my house.. Especially with Ms Lola.. Dare she get an itch and she is upset!

So I was brave and left him in the bathroom while I was at the store.. I got him a new collar some toys for both babies flea stuff and a new bed for him.. He didnt touch a thing. I think he is deaf because I make noise and he doesnt seem to notice.. All he answers to is me getting down in front of him and putting my arms out.. I tried with and with out talking and he came every time..

After we got *hopefully* all the fleas out.. I decided to introduce him to Lola.. He was so gentle and Lola was all hyper.. He just wanted to sleep because he went in HER kennel and laid down and fell asleep.. Hes still in there now about an hour later..

Not sure if Im keeping him yet.. I just know I had to get him cleaned up and inside.. But he seems to be doing great so far.. SO We will see!



Sleeping in the car. You can see how dirty he was!


After the first bath


Sleeping in Lola's kennel. You can see how tiny he is.


A close up of his face..


One of his scars..
There's no way I could get rid of that poor pup after taking him in! You've got to keep him! He's precious..he really looks like he's had a hard life.
He looks like he was definitely in need of some love! Pretty sure I'd have a hard time letting him go after all that as well :)
Mel, you will want to quarantine him for a while. I'm guessing since he is a stray he's probably never had any shots, and you know for sure he had fleas, he may have worms too. Get him checked out by a vet.

He certainly has a look of happiness about him. I'm sure he must feel like he has found an angel to bring him out of the harsh outside world.
Good for you for helping him. I agree, tapeworms are carried by fleas and if he ingested any fleas trying to relieve himself he most likely at least has that type of worm. I love advantix - I definately recommend it. A vet visit is definately in order.
I would take him right to the vet and then right home and give him the love and home he deserves! He is a real cutie.
Mel - I would definitely take him to the vet and get him checked for anemia. If an animal has that many fleas on them, especially a young pup, the blood loss could have been substantial from the fleas feeding. That could be the reason he just wants to sleep and not play. You'll need to take him anyway to get his shots and have a check up for general purposes, because come on dufus, we all know you're going to keep him. :)
What a sweetie! I just wanted to say don't feel bad if you can't keep him. I would rescue him too but I wouldn't keep him myself, just make sure he got a wonderful home. It's a huge commitment that you weren't looking for.
You know you're gonna keep him, so don't even act like you're not :) He's too cute not too!!! Lola needs a brother!
I'm sorry, Mel... but I don't think you have a choice in the matter. The little dear adopted YOU and I think he made that pretty clear when he made himself at home. Hehe.

He's so adorable!
Aw he is very cute! I agree, I would get him to the vet asap, there are a number of diseases that could easily be passed to Lola. And seeing as he probably never got his puppy shots he's going to be more likely to have something. Hopefully not but you just never know.
So this is the boy you woke me up about ;).

He looks like a total sweetheart.... I hope he's ok, poor baby!
He is a total sweetheart. I have been trying q-tine the very best I can. He potties in the front Lola in the back. Lola insisted on meeting him but I found it strange that they didn't do the butt sniffing thing. Face to face and then straight to separate parts of the house. He took over her kennel so Lola will have free range of the house while I'm at work. He stays in there even while I'm home with the door open. He likes it more than she does.

Lola is utd with her shots and revolution. And I called the vet for an appt and they said. Monday because he isn't an existing patient. My neighbor loks her vet so I'm just waiting to hear back from her with the number and were going to give them a call. But yea before I even mentioned taking him home I said he needed a vet. Its def a must in this house. I hope they can get us in tomorrow before work!

He has perked up a bit. It WAS 2:30am when I found him so he was probably exhausted! He did a lot of resting today and is warming up to us. Also I thought he couldve been deaf. But now I'm not sure. He still doesn't answer to whistles or kisses but his tail wags when I talk.

Oh yea! And we are open to name suggestions! The people at work think I should name him Black Jack if I decide to keep him.

I keep saying this btw because I know dogs act differently for the first few weeks and Ms Lola of course right now is number one so if they don't get along.. Which they are so far.. Then I will be active looking for a new home. But I'm determined to get him healthy and happy first and go from there!
I think he'll act more puppy like with good food and replenishing the blood he had to have lost from all those fleas, plus as Julie mentioned, fleas in puppies generally equals worms. He's in good hands now though, so he should do great. :)

Can you get a look at his gums? Are they normal or really pale?
So this is the muffin you excitedly texted me about! He is a doll! I hope he gets along with Lola coz I couldnt imagine you giving him up. I absolutely adore the name Black jack too, how suiting!

Good luck with him Mel, and good for you for giving him a chance.
I also like BlackJack, since you work at a casino...and it was because of your job that you were in the right spot to find him!

I am not quite so sure he has been a stray all of his life though. Strange that a dog who had never been in a crate/kennel would go right in and lie down. Most dogs do not particularly want to go into a crate.

He is BEAUTIFUL and very blessed to have been found by you! Also, IMO, if it were not "meant to be"....I think Lola would have let you know.

Best wishes to you and the new addition to your family!
So he was a good boy tonight! He did so well in the kennel.. I think someone had him at one point. But I cant understand how someone would take the time to kennel train him but not keep him.

He doesnt know any other tricks.. Just he only potties outside and he LOVES Lolas kennel.