Little Buddy?

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Dec 30, 2011
So I got my chin Mindy from a woman who didn't want her anymore. Unfortunately, I had to take her away from her boyfriend (I couldn't talk the owner into letting the boy go too... Poor girl..). She's adjusting relatively well, but she seems very lonely. I know she is morning the loss of her mate...

She is also pregnant, due here soon. But the only way I will be able to keep the baby/babies is if there is a female so that they will get along. But if it is a boy, she will be lonely again.

So I was thinking... I have been hearing a lot of people buy stuffed animals for their chins to love and groom. Has anyone done this? How well does this usually work out? What material of stuffed animal is safe for her (In case she decides to eat her little friend instead of love it... lmao.), What would be a safe way to wash it? and is the stuffing in a plushie safe for her (i was thinking of pulling all the stuffing out, and stuffing it with bedding or some other chin-safe material...

What do you guys think?
a member on this forum, Annieo, makes cuddle buddys shaped like a chinchilla.
the only fabrics safe for a chinchilla is anti pill fleece and blizzard fleece.
safe way to wash them, everyone has their own opinion on this.
me personally i just use vinegar and baking soda.
the stuffing inside of chinnie pillows and cuddle buddies is either of the fleeces i said above.
they're usually just scraps that won't be used for anything else.
Question: If you cant keep a baby boy, then why try to talk the ownwer into taking the boyfriend as well?

Also note that if you have more then one chin, male/female aside, even if they get along for years, their is always a chance that could change one day. So you will need an option/way to seperate them should the time ever come one day.
I got Idgie a buddy after I adopted her. Sometimes she sits on her buddy, but that's about it. She didn't want to share her cage, I guess. But I don't know that she ever has shared with another chin.

I did have some little 2 inch pillows made for her so that she could have them in her house. (She threw her buddy out of the house.). She rarely uses those as pillows and tends to shove them in the corner away from her. Once in awhile she will pile them in the doorway when she wants some quiet or toss them around the cage.

I usually just throw them in the wash with my clothes. They are made of fleece and stuffed with fleece, so they do just fine that way.
Sid inherited Dragon and Silver's buddy when he moved in, he likes pulling at it's ears and I've caught him mounting it a few times ;)
Sid inherited Dragon and Silver's buddy when he moved in, he likes pulling at it's ears and I've caught him mounting it a few times ;)

Awh :D I love their personalities! I made her a temporary buddy out of toilet paper rolls, and she seems to love it! It comes with her everywhere.. When it's time for bed she takes it to her corner and cuddles up with it. But, she ends up chewing them up and I have to clean up the mess and find her a new one before she can even notice he's gone... That's why I think she would do good with a stuffed buddy, and I don't go through enough toilet paper to replace her friend everyday!
Yes, there a number of us here on CnH that make chinnie buddy friends.

Some chinnies like to sleep with them, some like to throw them around, some ignore them, and some like to...errr...well, you know. :)
Well, I am actually a pretty good seamstress, and the patterns I have been finding look easy enough! I'm just not sure where to get the fabric, I have never heard of it... Can you get it at any hobby store (Say Micheal's or Hobby Lobby?), or is it more specialty fabric stores?
you can get it at joann's and hobby lobby.
you may be able to get it at michaels not sure though.
joann's usually has sales on their fleece.
it says right on the fabric what kind of fleece it is.
also when you go to hobby lobby and joann's check the remnants pile for the anti pill or blizzard fleece.
they usually have some in there and it's cheaper. you could use them to make a cuddle buddy, since theyre in smaller sections.
fleece is sold at most general faberic stores. For the filling cut the fleece into smale "scrape" and use that as a filling. Real "fillings" sold at faberic and craf stores are not chin safe and if she chews her buddy open you want the stuffing to be safe.

It does sound like she'd like a buddy.

Good luck with the babies.
I've never seen a Micheals with fabric. Maybe thats just the one's around here though. Hobby Lobby and Joanns are your best bet. Fleece can get expensive, so once again I'm going to rave about the remnants bin at JoAnns. I've found fun fleece there and its just the right amount.
I will have to go by there tomorrow, I have a 40% off fabric coupon for Hobby Lobby that needs to be exercised :)

Thank you all, you all are so incredibly helpful!!