Litter Question

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I know I need to use 'dust-free' litter. What brands do y'all use for litter?
I use Super Carefresh, or something like that, it's looks like... white puff.
If you're talking about litter for a litter box, then you can use carefresh, KILN dried pine, or aspen bedding. You can not use any type of cat litter or corn cob bedding if you have a male because it could get stuck in his penial seath(sp?). But also, it's not a good idea to use anyways because the cat litter is dusty and and the corn cob is uncomfortable on their feet :)
So basically I can just use her aspen bedding for her litter box and that's all. Good to know :D
I think I've seen it recommended that if they are on bedding other than liners to use a different type of stuff in the litterbox, so they can distinguish where they are supposed to go.
I'm still trying to use a litter box for Hot Dog, but it is looking pretty hopeless at this point as I have tried a number of litters. One thing I have noticed is that she mostly goes in a dark place(mostly her hat).
I think I'm going to try to litter box train Aiko, he's such a messy pig.
I just use paper towel under their wheels. It's less dusty than any other litter option, it's cheap and it's easy to clean up. All the hogs are litter trained, more or less.
Yeah, I do the paper towel thing too. They never go anywhere but on the towels... the bonus is also that you can clean them up every day and have fresh paper down for them. I do it numerous times a day depending on how messy they are. I did use litter pans for awhile, but even if you spot cleaning the poops, you'd be surprised how much the urine smells after even a day. I know I wouldn't want to sleep with that smell around, so I'm using something that can be changed out regularly and cheaply.
Paper towel also makes it easy to see any issues in the poop/pee quickly. If there's blood in their urine, it shows up very well against the white background of the paper towel. Green poop, mucousy poop... all easy to see.
I guess I'll have to try paper towels. I thought it was OK to use clump-free unscented cat-litter? Maybe not? Should I not use it? I used it for Sweet Pea with little-problems except a few times a pebble got in her...

I'm having a rough time trying to potty train Mika. She only wants to go to the bathroom when I pick her up and put her on her lap-towel. Then she gets all mad at me when I put her in her litter box when she's pooping.

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