Litter pans?

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Active member
Feb 11, 2012
Is it necessary to have te corner litter pans? I don't have any wood chips in my cage she just goes on the fleece I change twice a week. What are some Pros and cons to the pan?
pros - not having to change the fleece as often if your chin is litter pan trained.

cons - litter pan can be dumped over if not secured. having to buy shavings for it.

if what you are doing now is working, with just fleece and no litter pan, i say continue on. chins don't need a litter pan, and some litter train well and some don't.
I think it depends on how often your Chin uses the litter pan. If he pees in it most of the time, its much easier to change the pan, and the liner will last longer between washes.

If its 50/50, its probably not worth using the litter pan, because you will have to wash more frequently anyway.
Litter with fleece can be an issue, cause the chips will tend to get stuck to the fleece and it becomes a real hassle. I have a tiled cage and a litter pan, and I think I'm pretty lucky cause Chia won't pee anywhere where it's not absorbant, so no matter where the pan is, she'll pee only in there. So far that's the best cage I've had, I love it.
Litter with fleece can be an issue, cause the chips will tend to get stuck to the fleece and it becomes a real hassle. I have a tiled cage and a litter pan, and I think I'm pretty lucky cause Chia won't pee anywhere where it's not absorbant, so no matter where the pan is, she'll pee only in there. So far that's the best cage I've had, I love it.

both of my boys were the same way before i got them fleece liners. they wouldn't pee anywhere that pee could pool and not be absorbed, so they'd only pee in litter pans. now the lil monkeys seem to think that any fleece surface is a pee spot, and their brand new wood shelves i just put in last weekend have been peed on already too. lil buggers! lol.
both of my boys were the same way before i got them fleece liners. they wouldn't pee anywhere that pee could pool and not be absorbed, so they'd only pee in litter pans. now the lil monkeys seem to think that any fleece surface is a pee spot, and their brand new wood shelves i just put in last weekend have been peed on already too. lil buggers! lol.

When I had fleece, Chia would pee a bit everywhere too. Once I changed from fleece to tile, I didn't have a litter pan for a day and she peed in her log tube so it wouldn't get on her paws :( I felt so guilty, but I really assumed she'd pee a little everywhere like she did with the fleece. Had to toss the log house after that lol
So far I've been really lucky, Chia never pees on the wood shelves!