Just curious really

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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
So my chin had a wheel in her cage, but I was suggested to take it out because she's still just a baby, a little over four months old, and well now that I've taken it out I think she's being pouty over it. She keeps digging and chewing on the bars of her cage trying to get out and she's never done it before, but since I took her wheel out it's all she does. She has plenty of things to keep her occupied, all kinds of chews, plenty of room to run around, and plenty of ledges and things to jump on and play around with.

Is she just trying to get her way and get me to put her wheel back? If so, will she eventually get over it?
She'll get over it if she's wanting the wheel. You could give her a little more time with you, handle her a little more. She's probably wanting to get out more than she's wanting a wheel. If you just ignore her, she may get worse in trying to get your attention. The best thing to do is to use this to your advantage and make her bond with you. Each time she acts this way you could pick her up and hold her for a bit.

The other thing to keep in mind is that you're dealing with a four month old baby chinchilla. They are little monsters at that age and can be very bratty and demanding. She sounds pretty normal.
lol yah this sounds pretty normal to me! Typical baby chinchilla. Susan is right she is probably just asking for your attention!