Is your chin addicted to TV?

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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2012
Philadelphia, PA Area
Is anyone else's chin addicted to TV? or is it just mine?

i believe Benny is addicted to TV. If I put the timer on the TV before i fall asleep Benny has hissy fits when the tv turns off. he will throw his box around, ring his bell constantly, make almost dying noises, and starts banging on the cage. I will wake up and turn the Tv back on, he will be fine and i wont hear him for the rest of the night. He wont leave the second shelf with his food bowl in front of him eating his pellets all night until it's time for him to go to bed. Benny wont come out for play time if the TV is on. I have to turn off the tv to get his attention.
Sounds like you have a bit of an addict there.;) Trixie loves the TV too, expecially if there is music or lots of sparkly stuff. She, also, has gotten a bit tweaked if the TV gets turned off, but she recovers.
Sometimes I would swear she is watching the TV while she is eating.
Benny does. you can just watch him eat a pellet and stare at the tv. so i wouldnt put it past trixie. I swear benny knows what's going on. He likes doctor who and hockey the most... I think he likes doctor who cause of all the different thing and Hockey i dk why but when my boyfriend is playing NHL on xbox he starts popcorning especially when the buzzers go off. lol
My boys both love the TV! They like different things on it though. They both like cartoons, but Rufus likes baseball, football and Nascar, while Zoid likes Sportcenter and the news. Right now the baseball game is on the radio and Rufus just loves Bob Uecher's voice. He is munching hay, starting at the radio, and does a little hop and pops his ears up whenever something mildly exciting happens. Ryan Braun just stole 2nd and he threw his stick across the cage, in excitement of course. My boyfriend's computer desk is next to their cage and sometimes he blocks their view of the TV. They will throw poo and sticks at him until he moves.
My boyfriend's computer desk is next to their cage and sometimes he blocks their view of the TV. They will throw poo and sticks at him until he moves.

that just made my day :rofl:

I think they know what is going on. I havent put baseball or NASCAR on for Benny yet. When the Phillies are on im usually over my dads. and my boyfriend doesnt like nascar so i always just get updates from my dad. He does not like the food channel or hgtv. he throws a fit.
This is hilarious! My husband rolls his eyes when I insist we leave Disney channel on for them, but one night I left Animal Planet on. There was a lovely program about elephants which all 3 seemed to be enjoying. I came down in the morning and there was a show on called "When Sharks Attack" and not one of them would come out of their houses! Sticking with Disney. They like Phineas and Ferb.
Yea for the cartoons...!!! I find it funny that all of you who mentioned your significant others in your post subjected your chins to sports shows...LOL Just an observation here and I seriously detected a trend going on...
Cartoons! Sprocket loves cartoons and anime. Her current favorite is Pokemon and Madagascar. It's really amusing to see how she reacts to different genres of shows/movies.