I'm Ok with Chin Poop Eating Worried About Dog Eating Chin Poop

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Besotted Chinchilla Lover
Jan 20, 2010
Long Island, NY USA
I too was shocked the first time I saw my new Chin eat a piece of her poop. But I learned it was normal. I'm way ok with it.

However, I have a Chihuahua who is delightedly eating any Chin poop that falls on the floor. I see him with a gleeful look on his face as he executes a delicate sideways grinding of his teeth. If he could smack his lips he would.

Sorry to have to point this out but this Chihuahua eats my other Chihuahua's poop as they use pee pads and he has access when I am not home. He is healthy all the way. The vet tells me some dogs do this...

I can't stop him from eating Chin poop when I am not right in the room where my Chin is. In fact he is very fast and I cant do too much stop him even if I am there. I also don't want to close the door to the room where my chin is as the one dog uses that room to rest in.

Does anyone have a dog that eats Chin poop? It does cut down on the amount of vacuuming I have to do in the Chin cage area. ;)
My dog will eat chin poop anytime he sees it. He used to actually sit in front of the cages and just wait for poop to go flying so he could grab it. Pretty sick, but it won't hurt them. :vomit:
Both my dogs are nicknamed "Hoover" for this same reason. They follow behind all chin activities to clean up. I don't mind, less for me to vacuum, and I'm sure it won't hurt them.
It will not hurt your dogs, mine do it frequently. It's pretty weird, but then again dogs will eat their own poop sometimes too... HAHA
Well OK then! My dog is thrilled with the supply of chin caviar that is produced daily. Ready made dog snacks and less vacuuming for me. Way to go.

Just one of the new pleasures of observing the different species in my "zoo" interacting. :thumbsup:

Oh and yes he also eats chin food pellets, hedgehog food and now HAY.
His poops are strung together pretty good.

My other dog does not eat anyone's poop she is way too elegant for that.

Will supply introductory pics of all members (except me) soon.

Thank you all.
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Hoover...hehe. Now I'm not quite so grossed out that my little schnauzer roots outside for the chin droppings where I shake out the fleece.
I'm with Kristy. My dog ate all kinds of poop when we lived on the farm. Now she's just down to chin poop. She gets yelled at for eating cat poop.
LOL I never thought much about my dogs eating the chin poop till this thread. I guess it is pretty funny. I actually let my roommate's rat terrier behind the dresser Hercule's cage is on so I don't have to move it to clean back there so much. I bet she would prolly be peeved if she knew lol ha ha ha ha!
In my house I had 4 chins, 2 rabbits and 1 dog. Never had any problems with anyone eating any poop.....that is until I let the pitbull come in from the cold. She eats the dogs poop, the chinchillas poop and the rabbits poop. She is horrible.
And then you see people on FHV "frenching" their dogs!! YUUUUCK!!
You never know what they ate last!!
My dog also loves to eat chin poos. I think she sees them as a little snack. She also eats the hay on the floor and will also steal sticks and hay from their cages if they hang out a little bit. There is nothing funnier than seeing my dog with hay hanging from her mouth like Huckleberry Finn. Although I wish she wouldn't eat the poops, hay or sticks.
Mine eat anything on the floor in the chin room - less sweeping. Although, when I took my boxers to their last yearly check up they did a fecal smear and then came back in asking me if I had rabbits - I said nooooo...she said well we found a rabbit bacteria/parasite in Lucian's poo so evidently they found a "treat" in the yard. I freaked but she said no worries it will pass normally on its way.
A funny update. Well, funny to me: I walk toward the room where my chin is and I see a pellet fly across the floor with a chihuahua chasing it.

Not an experience I expected to have in my life. Very comical.
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