If you chin pees in a chube

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I just read a good point, my chinchilla was sleeping in her tube for a week straight and that the only place she sleept then after that she never touched it, i just realized that she peed in it and thats probably why, what should you do if you chin pees in the chube? Is it essentially worthless after that? Its covered with fleece but the pee still soaks through.
it's safer to replace the chube with pvc pipe as its easier to clean. then when your chin pees there you can just remove the tube, wash the fleece and clean off the tube and it will be fine. i'm under the impression that when cardboard gets wet it is ruined, which is why i dont use cardboard.
You could probably find free pvc at new construction sights, [although probably hard to find right now] as they just throw away the cutoffs. Plumbing is done right after framing, in most cases. Just check the dumpster - also 1" x ? cutoffs for shelves and perches!!
I sewed little mattresses for my fleece covered chubes, I wash them either if they get peed on or weekly whichever comes first. Its just a rectangular multi-layer mattress with two fleece straps I tie together under the tube.