Hurt chin paw?

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Jul 14, 2013
Help! I hope this is the right forum for this issue. I got my 2 chins 2 weeks ago, both 6-7mo old males. Yesterday during playtime, Toto used me as a launching pad and jumped over the cardboard playpen I have set up. I believe he was aiming for my floor lamp, missed & fumbled, and ended up dropping to the ground from 3ft high. He seemed fine and was jumping around as usual, eating, pooping, drinking, but I noticed last night and this morning that he started holding his right paw up to his chest as if hurt.

I've attached some photos here of him holding up his paw: ImageUploadedByTapatalk1375471761.282937.jpg

I've already made vet appointments at the Center for Aviary and Exotic Medicine (NYC), and I guess I was just wondering:

1) Has anyone else ever seen their chin like this? Does it seem like, subjectively, that he is badly injured, and about how long do you guys think it will take to heal?
2) Does anyone know what the vet might offer in terms of intervention an care? I've never been to a vet before and was hoping to have some idea to compare to their recommendations.
3) Is there anything (besides restricting playtime) that I should be doing for my chin until he sees the vet (in 2 days)?
4) Has anyone here had experience in particular with the Center for Aviary and Exotic Medicine in Manhattan, NY, and could share any feedback?

Thanks so much in advance, everyone. The vet's office told me it's non-emergent, but I'm still incredibly worried and freaking out a bit for my poor Toto.
Is he still putting weight on it when walking and running? If he is it is likely sprained and will heal in time. If he won't use it at all then it may be broken. An X-ray is in order so you will know what is going on. Either way, he may at least need something for pain.
Thank you. I'm watching him through the day and he seems improved actually.. Jumping around, putting weight on it, only occasionally lifting up the paw. Doesn't warrant a full vet visit then? :/
I would personally always go to a vet if I wasn't sure. The vet can determine the extent of the damage and your chinchilla might also need some pain medication while he recovers. Glad to hear he is improving though!
My chins tuck their paws to their chest sometimes, can u touch his paw and see his reaction, if he's putting weight on it and he seems normal, he's probably ok, but I'm not a vet, if u are worried, by all means take him to the vet to check it out.