How To Get "Boy Time" Mess Off Face?

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May 25, 2013
Sonic has some of his "boy time" on his face and won't let me clean it off. I tried to get it with a toothbrush but he won't let me touch his face. I can't use vaseline because he tried to taste it. How can I get it off?
I don't know why but for some reason when i read the title for this thread i thought it was on YOUR face and i had quite the laugh.
I wish you the best of luck solving this issue, I have heard using a baby wipe can help some sticky messes on chins.
Quinn would do that a lot. When it was on his face, I would give him foot bath and when he was busy trying to escape I would rub my wet hands on his face. It might take a couple of tries but but it would work.
Hedgie boy mess does not come of easily. Texie passed over a year ago, the girls now have some of his fleece; ie, it's been washed dozens of times... It is still there. Kid once stuck himself to himself. Must have fallen asleep with his front foot on his belly right after completion... When I found him, he couldn't walk. It took soaking and gently prying.

Do what you can with a warm damp washcloth... Not hot. Not wet. Just warm and damp. And your fingers/fingernails. It will likely take several sessions and still not be perfect. Slow and steady wins the race with this type of situation.
He got his foot stuck to him self!? He sounds like one messy hedgie.

Thanks, I've been trying the washcloth and it is slowly coming off. He puts up a bit of a fight but I hold him as still as possible.