How long do you leave things?

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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2011
Portland, OR
How long do you leave wood things in their cages? Vincenza doesn't chew her ledges or pee on them but I sand them down weekly when I clean her cage.

But she's had her house and some of her ledges for 3 years!

Do you do a remodel every so often? Or let it go until it's too unsanitary/chewed up?
I rearrange the cage once or twice a year, but the same wood shelves and house goes right back in unless it's too dirty or too chewed to salvage. I only take still usable stuff out completely if my rearranging causes a space issue or I get something new (like lava ledges or wood perches), but it just gets put away for later use. Some of the wood ledges in my boys' cage came from their original cage when I bought them, so possibly around 8 years old.
If your chin doesn't chew or pee on the ledges it doesn't sound like they need sanding every week, you can if you want it just seems like extra work to me. A wipe down with some vinegar and water should get them clean.
I haven't had my chin long enough for things to need replacing, but he doesn't chew or pee on his wooden ledges. He doesn't even pee on fleece lol, only in the wood shavings. I am thankful for that :) my ledges should last a long time :D
My chins ledges are really thick untreated pine. It would be virtually impossible for him to chew it up and he hasnt peed on them yet (touch wood)