How do you store your dust?

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Active member
Oct 10, 2010
I wanted to find a general consensus as to how everyone stores their large quantity of dust. I bought in bulk 15lbs of chinchilla dust for 20.00 with shipping from QMC :dance3: And yesterday I went into petsmart and saw they had those cute 3lb containers of blue cloud (on sale by the way). So do you store it in like a vittle vault or regular airtight food bin. Does it need to be in an air tight container and should I get a container that can fit more than 15lbs of bulk or does the dust compress pretty well?
To tell you the truth, I don't do much to store the dust. It keeps for years and years without anything very special. It doesn't seem to attract bugs or anything. I keep my dust in the paper bags it came in for years. I open a bag and use it up right in the normally takes me a month or more to use a bag up.
I keep mine in one of those food bins that you can get at Petco and Petsmart. The only reason I use the bin is because I keep it in the garage and I don't want anything getting spilled into it, or it getting spilled.
I recycle the buckets that you get when you purchase kitty litter. Once empty the dust goes into those. They stack well too if you have a lot of dust to store!
I recycle the buckets that you get when you purchase kitty litter. Once empty the dust goes into those. They stack well too if you have a lot of dust to store!
Great minds think alike! :D Heh. I don't have cats but get these from a friend. The 20% free/more ones can hold almost two 50lb bags of dust. The regular ones hold a bag.

This prevents it from blowing out the bottom of the bag or getting everywhere when I drag it around.
I also use the Kitty litter buckets...To many times my chinchillas have gotten loose and torn open bags of dust...
I have ten tons of dust in their original bags and on pallets in the garage. It will keep just fine that way until it is used up.
I only have 1 chin, so I only have at most 10-15 lbs of dust at a time. I store it in one of the vittle vaults purely for looks and space saving. If I found a large enough container that was cute, I would probably put it in that lol.
I store it in the same bag it came in. There is a two cup pyrex that I leave in there. I kept an old kaytee container. So I refill that and leave it with the rest of the chin stuff in the house. I have a 50 pound bag that I got at a great price. The nice thing is I know I don't have to buy dust for a very long time.
I keep mine in a Rubbermaid tub, only because I have cats, dogs and kids who are constantly running through the house, so I do not want it to get spilled. That and it is easier to keep the chin room organized with a few tubs rather than a lot of bags and boxes. ;)
I keep mine in a ten gallon our house paint came in. It makes a great stool for sitting and talking to the chins.

In the past I kept it in an old coke cooler, because it was there and looked pretty. Then the chins got moved and I didnt take the cooler downstairs with them.