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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Wow! What a couple of weeks!!!

To all the former CNQ'ers, nice to be here and good "seeing" you again!

To all true newbies that just started with CNH, My name is Ken and I live in Philadelphia. I am planning on moving to Canada later this year but I wanted to use my old CNQ name so people would know who I was.

I have four chins right now. Below are their pics.




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welcome back ken.

you are either cloning chins or i am seeing double. LOL.

any chance you can repost your chinseder picture from CnQ? love it.
If and when you move to Canada, do not be surprised if Julian goes missing. He just came for a visit out West. hehehe..

welcome back ken.

you are either cloning chins or i am seeing double. LOL.

any chance you can repost your chinseder picture from CnQ? love it.

Yea, you were seeing double for a sec. The one thing I miss on CNQ is when you post a pic you get to preview it first. I neglected to, when copying the links from photobucket, to copy the right ones. Or else the links are messed up somehow. I corrected it.

What pic from CNQ??? You mean this one??

nope. the chins around a seder table. am i mixing you up with someone else?
Glad you like it! Yea, I posted that on CNQ December of 2007, I believe. As you can tell, I love photoshop.
Hey Carise! Nice to have a new home, and I can see that the Mods are working on recreating the old CNQ. I cannot even begin to imagine the work that they must have!!