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Nov 6, 2013
I have a male chinchilla, who is around 10 months old. I got him around a month and a half ago. He's my first chinchilla so any advice is helpful I've researched on the internet and in books but not be so successful. He has been barking every night, high pitched, more like a squeal at night, it's so loud and in distress sounding he sounds like he's hurt, but he's always fine, and he also cries during the day at any given time I'm his cage and even in playtime when I'm with him. He gets out for playtime twice a day for an hour or so each. I renewed he's cage with more ledges and tubes cause I thought maybe he could be bored but it's not helping. I also got him a snuggle buddy but it only helped for a few nights. He also has started which sounds like he sneezes then honks? Is this normal? For all I can tell he's eating, drinking, pooping and playing normally so I don't think he's sick. Has anyone else had these problems?*
I know that my two chinchillas bark whenever they hear anything odd that freaks them out a little, and it sounds like a toy horn honking. They also bark in their sleep sometimes, but what you're describing sounds a lot more frequent than I have experienced. Hopefully someone with a bit more experience with that will chime in. It's definitely a good sign that he is eating and drinking and being active though :)
Thank you for commenting :) I've heard him do the sound that sounds like the toy horn but this he's been doing recently is different it's more of like a kid screaming/crying/ the toy horn lol and he does it daily and nightly. that's the best I can explain it, kinda hard to explain it's really weird. Yes he seems fine and healthy for all I can tell so that's a good thing. :)
When I first got my chin she lived in our spare bedroom, but then got moved into our room for a while - then she started barking every night like a nutter! Then she went through a phase of squealing each night. It's worrying to hear it but they get over it eventually. I wouldn't worry too much provided he seems healthy enough.

Does the room he's in have alot of dust or pollen? My chin started sneezing and honking a couple of weeks ago, and between me and my vet, we concluded that it was due to pollen out in out garden (it's spring over here). After a thorough clean and changing what and when windows were open it stopped quickly - chins have very delicate nasal systems
Thank you for commenting :) I've heard him do the sound that sounds like the toy horn but this particular sound that he does constantly is more of a scream/cry/toy horn lol. Very hard to explain it terrifies me. Yes, he does seem fine & healthy so I don't know why he does it.

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A month and a half is not a long time; he's probably still settling in to his new environment, and getting used to the sounds and smells around. He'll probably calm down with time.

It also sounds like he might be attention seeking... he has learned that when he is noisy, you run to his cage to see what is wrong: he is training you!!

My Rosey squeals/screams when she is bored, or when play out time is later than usual. It's a horrible sound, but I try not to react to it too much. She also barks in her sleep through the day, but also at night time.

The only thing I'm not sure about is the sneezing. Does he have a runny nose? wheezy breathing? Does the sneezing happen during, or immediately after dust baths?
I don't know why that one post repeated? Um no not that I know of its not dust or pollen, it's fall almost winter so the pollen should be down but it is dropping down cold. His nose isn't running and no wheezing that I can tell . He does sneeze after taking a bath but not the bark afterwards he does it when he doesn't have his bath in there with him. He kinda sounds like he's choking but I've made sure he's got nothing in his month so it's not that. How much time do y'all think would be enough time for him to settle in? I'm guessing then from you all that barking/squealing is fairly normal for them to do. Should I quit coming to his cage to check on him since he's doing that? I thought he could have been attention seeking cause I thought he could be lonely but it nice to know & not so bothersome to hear others do it to.

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Because chins are only recently domesticated (relatively) they still have strong instincts to resist change and can take a while to come around to new things. He'll come around in his own time. Maybe stop going to the cage when he calls out - either completely ignore him or just look over to check everything is ok. If he know's he'll be interacted with whenever he barks, you could have a very noisy chin in a few months time
I'm with everyone else, a month and a half is NOT a long time for a chinchilla. He's probably still adjusting and probably a bit unsure of his surroundings. That said, if he's okay physically he'll be fine eventually. That does NOT mean he'll quit the noises though :) Some chins are plain out more vocal than others. I have a kit right now, still with his mother...I talk to my animals and he talks back. I love's cute and comical. Anyhow, congrats on the new chin...bigger congrats on joining the forum ;)
Awe that's too cute that the little guy talks back ;) & thank you :) The noise don't really bother me, it's not knowing if he's trying to tell me something that I don't understand. Some people say the longer you have them you'll figure their language. How do I know the calls he's making aren't because he's lonely? The previous owner who had him seems to think he needs another chinchilla with him. I want to keep him as happy as possible ;) Do you keep your chinchillas together? Any opinions on that?

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Putting Chinchillas together can be a little complex, there are probably loads of threads on here for it and loads of resources on the internet! If you are going to get another one, make sure it is the same gender (go to a good breeder or pet shop, there have been cases of wrongful sexing and people ending up with kits!).

Having a companion will more than likely be nice for your chin, but it will need time to adjust as well. If it has always lived alone, I would let your chin settle into its new home before giving it a friend - other wise the change could be a little too much (in my opinion, anyway!). Also remember to keep any chins seperate for a while so you can observe them, just in case either has an infection or anything wrong that they could transfer to the other chin :) hope this helped. Chins are really cute when they can snuggle up with friends, and you'll never worry about them being lonely. But I'd get used to being a chin owner first and let the little guy settle :] see how you go, so long as you give him plenty of interaction and love, he won't desperately need another chin with him! Sounds like you're doing a good job so far! Good luck :]