Hello from Wisconsin!

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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I heart Leonard
Jan 30, 2009
Racine, WI
Hello to everyone! I'm so happy to have found a home again!

My name is Laurie. I'm from Racine, WI and mom to a few pets and 1 kid. I have 2 fabulous cats who serve as bed warmers, lap warmers and sometimes a pain in my keester--Sam & Baxter. I have one son, Stewart, who is 21 and helps out a lot with our pets. He has Artie, I swear the world's fatest guinea pig, in his room. We also have 8 chinchillas and maybe someday more!

I have 2 wonderful sisters, Lisa and Lynelle who also serve as my best friends.

I love to read--AT LEAST a book a day. I also dabble with writing and someday like to think I'll be a published author. I crochet and knit, although while I'm an expert at crochet, not so much at knitting.

I work 3rd shift so my time on Chins-n-Hedgies will be during the wee hours of the morning. Anyone up that late/early give me a shout!

I'm happy to have found a fabulous forum home once again!
I agree! Now I can sleep peacefully knowing Laurie is back, and I can keep up with all the latest cold weather gossip!
I'll be your designated late night friend Carol, as well as designated driver to the Wisconsin chin show, designated hotel partner (ear plugs included please) and designated birthday buddy!!!
Hey Laurie, you don't mind driving down to pick me up on your way to the show, do you? It can't be that far out of your way...you know, just plan ahead like 3 days.:D
Welcome Laurie! Carol told me she was going to drag you kicking and screaming until you joined. :)
Carol didn't have to drag me anywhere man! I am SO happy to be here it's sickening! This is the highlight of my 2009 year and I mean it! I'm so happy to see all my friends here and I can't wait to meet some more!
Yay!! I missed you Laurie! I'll have to send you a pm so I can find out all the stuff I missed.:D
Laurie, I am so glad you made it over. While I know we don't talk much-I always read your threads, and you and your sister have always been in my thoughts. *hugs* Its great to see you here!