Hello From Jean

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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New member
Jan 19, 2012
Hi,everyone~~I am Jean:)
I must say that I am not a chin owner now,but I will be soon.So I prefer to study more knowledge here.From my friend who has many good chins,I know CnH is a paradise of chins owners.I blieve its a perfect choice and hope to get a lot of friends because of chins.
Hi there,
I am new to the site as well and don't plan on getting my first chinchilla for a few years. I have to wait until we get a house, until then researching is fun. :)
Hi and welcome! We're so happy to have you here! This site truly is filled with so many knowledgeable people who love to share what they know. And I respect those people who research first, before bringing home their forever pet.
Welcome to the group! Always nice to have someone who wants to research first. The search function at the top is good but be sure to narrow it down to chinchillas (otherwise you may get some off-the-wall advice that is meant for hedges. If you can't find what you are looking for, just ask.
hello and welcome this is one of the best sites I have found much information here !
I also did a lot of reading and looking at pictures before finding the pair that I wanted at a breeder in another state. You should find lots of good info here.