Hello from FW, Indiana

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Jun 3, 2012
Fort Wayne, IN
so new to THIS forum, but use to be on cnq long ago.

We decided to get a chinchilla, after our search for a degu didn't work out. We were wanting to adopt a chinchilla, so we looked on hoobly, craigslist, kijiji for local re-homes or sales. At the time they are had been placed. We decided to go the pet shop route. Now of course, there are posting on craigslist of chins needing homes.

Anyways, we have a good cage for her..we are ordering toys, and new food for her. The shop was feeding their own brand, aka junk. She doesn't even like it. The shops said she was around 4months, so I would say 4-6months. She has two teeth marks on her ears, even though she was housed alone at the shop.

She is very scared :/, barks at me, and doesn't want me near her. She runs and hides everytime I open the cage. We have only had her since Sunday though..so I hope with time that she will trust me and want chin rubs, and scratches behind the ears in time.

The plan was to let her out during the day in a bath room, but if we let her out..it will be very hard and stressful to get a hold on her to put her up. Any ideas? Should we just wait a while on this?

Cheerios and oats still okay to give as treats?

I have had boys in the past, and both were so very friendly. They came from a breeder though, so maybe that is the difference?

No name for her yet, because I have not been able to really interact with her. She is a dark grey, with a white belly. :)
Hello & Welcome.

Give her a few weeks (or longer to adjust). Sit by her cage and talk to her, read to her, etc. You can also leave a radio or tv on in the room so she's more use to the sounds in your house.

I would wait a while on those treats, since you're not for sure of her age. You can always give her chinnie safe wood (like apple, pear, or pecan) as a treat. :)

Congrats on your new friend.
Hi and welcome! It will take a new chinnie time to warm up to you and her new surroundings. Much too early to think about letting her out of her cage, which is her safe environment. As Laura already stated, spend a lot of time with her, next to her cage, and get her used to you, your smell, your voice. A lot of time and patience will truly pay off. Have fun with your new chinnie friend!!!
Welcome to the forum!

Laura and Jenn gave some great advice. It'll take a bit of time, but it will be worth it in the long run.
Welcome! If you need supplies we aren't too far from you or in a few months you decide your chin wants a buddy we would be happy to help you with that.
Welcome (back?) HillyB. :)

If you take a look in the classifieds, which is where ads are supposed to go, there is a massive thread with tons of supplies for sale. There are a lot of breeders in the IN/IL area and a lot of folks who sell supplies.