Happy squeaks?

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Active member
Aug 15, 2012
So this morning as I was getting ready for work, Cesare was hopping about happily as he does, sticking his nose through his cage trying to get my attention. Then he hopped up on one of his ledges and made the sweetest teeny tiny squeaks I have ever heard in my life. Then when I went over to give him some love and have him up on my shoulder, he hopped up on me, snuffled around a bit on my shoulder and did the teeny squeaks again.

It was the most adorable thing in the world.

Do chinchillas make happy squeaks? Our old chin never did stuff like that so I was a tad surprised.

Then he sneezed, and it was even cuter :hilarious:
Yep, they do that! You have a happy chinchilla who loves you! Congrats! :D I think my girls hate me most of the time.. lol
Marble "chatters" a lot too. It sounds a lot like a guinea pig, only softer. ZZ isn't very vocal. I assumed maybe it was a female thing.
My little Lulu does that same thing. At first it confused me and worried me but I did a little research and its a good thing! It means he really likes you! :D Isn't great to know that they are telling us that they really do appreciate all those treats. I think it is the cutest sound ever.
My male (pictured) does the same thing. He's a ham and can never get enough attention. He really brightens each and every day of my life. I'm always bummed I can't take him with me everywhere I go. lol
My older female will do this on occasion, some times even as she is drowsing off. It seems she does it mostly when she is having fun.