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Active member
Oct 26, 2009
I live in an apartment and I have two male chins. Recently I have been getting bugs in my apartment. Luckily they aren't bothering my boys. I suck them up with my handheld vacuum and flush them down the toilet. I'm a total neat FREAK, so this totally grosses me out. I was doing some research tonight on the nasty bugs and they are cockroaches, ugh. I talked to my mom and I think they are coming in through my grocery bags. Obviously I don't want these things to multiply and have an even bigger problem. I don't open my windows or patio door (I live in Nebraska and the humidity here is pretty high). I thought about using a bug bomb, but don't want to harm my boys. I haven't seen any of these creatures in my room, so I could put the boys in my bedroom (they are in a FN142) and put a blanket by the crack between the door and the floor. Does anyone have any advice on this or any other ideas? I'm completely disgusted by these things and don't know how to get rid of them since chins are sooo sensitive. Thanks for your help! :hair:
Unfortunately the thing about bugs bombs is that the animals will need to be out of the house. I also think that it would be necessary to clean all surfaces that might have any residue that could hurt your baby. I know that when they used to fumigate our apartment the residue was gross and sticky.
If you are clean, the the roaches are probably coming from another apartment. I had a next door neighbor that was disgusting so I always had roaches and stuff finding their way over to my apartment.
Having lived in Texas for several years I learned cockroaches aren't always living in dirty homes. Cockroaches flock to a water source and often times are found underneath a kitchen or bathroom sink where they might not be garbage.

If you landlord is aware of your chins I would think of contacting them and let them know you have cockroaches for them to get the place professionally exterminated. I do believe it's the only way you'll get rid of them as they aren't starting out in your place.
I work for child protective services, so I'm around these things all the time...but them being in my own apartment it completely different! The way our complex it set up there is only one other unit on my floor and there is no one living below me right now. My apartment complex is aware of my chins, so them coming in here is not a problem. If they send a professional up here will that fumigation hurt the boys? I have a carrier for them, but I maybe it's a question for them as to how long we should say away...?
No matter what you will want the chins away when they fumigate maybe even for a couple of days. Do you have anyone who might keep them for a couple days for you?
Megz, I don't mean to freak you out, but the roaches could be coming home with you from work :(
I had a friend whose mother did work for HUD (Housing and Urban Development or something like that), and she had to have her husband set up a shower in their garage so that when she got home from work she could shower before going into the house, because they would hide in her hair (granted she had really tall hair that was put up and had curls everywhere, so it was easy for them to hide in there, but...).
Maybe they're coming home with you on your shoes or something? Again, I'm sorry if this grosses you out, I just want you to know the reality of the situation. They're sneaky. :(