Getting back into cage help

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i bought my chinchilla 1 month ago and i havent had the money or the time to buy a lot of toys and i can't afford a wheel yet, I take her out everyday either for 15 min. and most days I wil take her out for about an hour. I read when she is in the bathroom with me and she hops on the counter and the top of the toilet but when it is time for her to go back into her cage she runs away and i don't want to scare her or move to fast I end up cornering her and grabbing her by the tail and bringing her to her cage. when im near her cage and i pick her to hold her for a few mins she just squirms and wants to jump to the floor. I don't move too fast and i dont think im doing anything wrong but im open to any advice i need to buy more toys =). Any toys i should buy that are cheap i dont have a lot of money.
i would like to get her to trust me enough to know when im gonna pick her up and she will let me pick her up
Many chins just don't like being picked up and held, she could be that type of chin no matter how long you own her.

But having been around you for a month I would think that if you do grab her, she's not going to be scared of you so much as if she were new to you.

What I would do is work on picking her up periodically throughout the playtime so it's not only happening at the end of playtime. This way she won't only associate picking up with going back into her cage (a not very enjoyable thing) So if you do it more often, she may be come more desensitized to it.
A month is a very short span compared to the whole life of a chinchilla. The dust bath works wonders and I do use that for my new boy who hasn't learned to respond to the shaking of the treat container.

I have this little container that's full of rolled oats (regular oats, not the quick cooking kind) and some crushed rose hips. All I have to do is shake the container and they come running right into their cage and will eagerly await their pinch of treat. Works every single time.

The way I got them used to the oats was to first get them into their cage by whatever method I could and then reward them with the oats. Before long all I needed to do was rattle the container and they were in their cage before I had the lid off.
when i pick her up from the bathroom floor and put her back into her cage all she wants to do is get out and jump on the floor. I giver her some shredded wheat with a little bit of natural strwberries in it but she just totally ignores it.