Gaining my chinchilla's trust...

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Hi! I am a new chinchilla owner and just wanted to make sure I'm going about gaining her trust in the right way. She's pretty nervous, but seems to have made a bit of progress today.

She has been taking treats from my hand, but when I put my hand out for her to simply smell it she nips at me. She'll smell my hand for a moment and then try to bite my hand. I'm not sure if this is because she is still nervous or scared of me or if she is thinking that whenever I put my hand out for her that I have food so she is biting because she thinks I have food in my hand.

Any advice?

Thank you so much!
If every time yoiu put your hand in the cage you have a treat, A) you're giving too many treats, and B) it's very possible that she is smelling the food on your fingers.

Treats should be given sparingly, a couple times a week, and generally acceptable treats are bite-sized nonsugared shredded wheats, whole or crushed rosehips, organic rosebuds, the occasional cheerio, a pinch of old fashioned Quaker oats, and lots of wood chews. No raisins, no papaya, no fruit or veggies.

I would be sure to wash my hands before trying to approach your chin again. I would also try not to give a treat every time I went to the cage. You can use a treat to bribe, by placing a half a shreddie on your hand, then your arm, and see if she'll come up that way.

Keep in mind too, she may not be biting as you think of it. When a chin is comfortable with their human (or another chin) they often times nibble in a grooming fashion. It feels a little sharp, but shouldn't be terribly painful. I've found that if they really mean to bite, they do it with gusto and leave a mark or break through the skin.
When I got Shelly I would sit by her cage and read a book or play my guitar. She has made great progress with me in the last month (aside from the one day she was mad and bit my nose). Even when she is out of her cage I will hang out on the floor with her. I've learned to back off on her treats. She mostly gets them when she allows me to pick her up and put her back in her home (this is still a work in progress). Patience is what has worked best for me. Give her time. She will warm up to you.
Since, you just got her leave her to herself for awhile. Keep the room quiet and not too bright. When you approach to pet her, use the back of your hand. It seems not as threatening. Also you can try holding the dust bath while she's inside, Shes in a comftable environment and can get used to your smell and sees that you mean no harm.
Rub Chin dust on your hands.....:thumbsup:

Chins dont fancy the smell of DIRTY STINKY HUMAN BUTT on your hands. :laughitup:
And it gives them something that reminds them of comfort.
Tunes is absolutely right, if they want to bite you you will know it.
I have a vampire chin, he is the sweetest thing until you get him too close to his brothers. Then you wind up with blood on you, blood on him, and a punctured tendon in your finger. I have pondered making him a little fleece coffin to sleep in...

And yes, I HAD to give him the Eddie Munster hairline...
I am working on getting my Sebastian to trust me. It has been going well, I put my hand in his cage and he hops on it and lets me pet him. He also enjoys chin & behind the ear rubs.
Tonight we had a bit of a setback, I 'chin proofed' the bathroom to let him run around but he seems scared to do much of anything besides sit behind the toilet. I guess I'll have to ease him into that slowly? Mine is also still nippy but I'm hoping he'll get over it.
Hello my name is Connie I just got my chin prob about aweek now. Dusty will come up to me and will come on my arm but only once i got to rub his chin and ears. How do you take him out to play if he dont let you touch him? Should I wait until i cant touch him all the time before I take him out? I don't want to lose the trust I do have going so far.