food question

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New member
Feb 23, 2013
Is sunseed hedgehog food an okay choice? Im getting my baby tomorrow and wanted to make sure it was okay.
Right... stick with the high quality cat kibbles.

The other thing is: if s/he's coming home tomorrow, make sure to keep him/her on whatever s/he has been on in order to ease the transition. I wouldn't go about changing the staple kibble for about two weeks after s/he comes home. At that point, start adding in a little new kibble to the old.

The one exception I'd make to this two-week rule of thumb is if you find out s/he's actually on something outright dangerous (like Pretty Pets) and it's been dumb luck keeping him/her (and the other hedgies where s/he came from) alive.

Most reputable breeders will send you home with a little bit of food... and will tell you what it is. Just go ahead and ask.
The only time I did not get food with my hedgies was when I got Sonic and Lena Bean. the girl ran out of food. So I had bought sunseed hedgie food, they were on that for only that one bag then I found pretty pet, they were on that for one bag then I switched to high quality cat kibble because the pet store I was getting their food at was out and they were having a hard time getting it in. I know some information about hedgies when I got them but I know so much more. Sonic is so much happier on his 3 kibble mix.
Thanks! I think I'm going to keep her on the breeder's food. She seems pretty healthy and is already starting to warm up with me!
That is great to hear she is starting to warm up to you. It will take time for them to warm up. I have had Sonic for 8 months now and he still is not full warmed up to me but I am working on that as well as making sure Sprinkles stays friendly.
I am new as well but just a thought, why not buy the good quality cat food and use it for treats when you take him out? I personally don't like having any of my animals limited to one food just in case something happens, run out of that one brand of food, recall anything like that. When you slowly get them switch to say three of the best brands available, if something happens you always have two brands to fall back on.

another bonus to this method is, they really love cat kibble soo much better then the hedgehog foods so giving it to them when they come out with you, they will associate it as a good experience. ;)
I like a mix of three high quality cat foods for the reasons you mentioned (recalls, unavailability, etc...) as a staple diet.

Treats during playtime is a great idea. Miss Bella is a private eater though, so I'm not doing much of that currently. I just give her treats in her little treat dish and let her find them under the cover of darkness. Satin, on the other hand, was great at hunting mealies during play/snuggle time. I'd hide them in, on, and under her little dump truck. Tex would also accept treats if hand-fed. Generally, I wouldn't encourage hand-feeding as many hedgies will start associating fingers with food in a fairly chompy way (oww!!!). Texie was so gentle though... I could do that with him.
I agree with you Melissa about the hand feeling of treats Sonic sometimes gets a little nippy when I give him mealies so now I put them on the floor of his cage and point them out to him. If I give cat treats he is ok with taking treats from my hand but I dont want to get nipped from him so I do the same with them as well. Sprinkles on the other hand doesnt care for treats.
I like a mix of three high quality cat foods for the reasons you mentioned (recalls, unavailability, etc...) as a staple diet.

Treats during playtime is a great idea. Miss Bella is a private eater though, so I'm not doing much of that currently. I just give her treats in her little treat dish and let her find them under the cover of darkness. Satin, on the other hand, was great at hunting mealies during play/snuggle time. I'd hide them in, on, and under her little dump truck. Tex would also accept treats if hand-fed. Generally, I wouldn't encourage hand-feeding as many hedgies will start associating fingers with food in a fairly chompy way (oww!!!). Texie was so gentle though... I could do that with him.

thanks for the idea, Tucker hasn't even looked at mealies but maybe putting them in a dish for him at night might do the trick. :)

I lay the cat treats on the flat of my hand, so far he has not attempted to nibble on my fingers. Oh and ....I think I jinx myself on him never making a mess of his cage! I got up this morning to find him between the fleece and the liner... he upset his water dish, food dish and a toy into one big gooey mess! He did accept his punishment of a bath at 5am like a trooper though, I do give him that. haha