Ferret Nation- Critter Nation

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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2011
Butte County CA
Are these the same size as in can be put together? I just ordered a third level for the Critter Nation yesterday and then found a Ferret Nation [1 level] on Craigslist tonight for $40.00. That is if the guy meets me in the morning as planned.

The rats condo is growing.

I thought I saw a while back where someone hooked them side by side minus the middle walls.
I have been told they are the same size but I could be wrong. From what I have seen the critter nation bar spacing is smaller than the ferret nation.
i have read about somebody using the critter nation for the bottom level, and the ferret nation for the top.

ah, i just looked up on the Midwest site, and the two cages have a 1 inch difference in the width. FN is 25" wide for all size cages (1 level, 2 level, add on unit). the CN is 24" if you go with the 1 or 2 level, but the add on unit is 25". odd.

here: FN http://www.midwesthomes4pets.com/category/default.aspx?maincatid=27&subcat=4&submenu=0&catid=29

and CN http://www.midwesthomes4pets.com/category/default.aspx?submenu=2&catid=140

scroll to the bottom of both links for dimensions.

i recall the two side by side connected cages were both FN's.
They are the same size and can be mixed and matched. HOWEVER they must be the same model series. You can't use the 141, 142 or 143 with the 181, 182, or 183.
Thanks for the replys. I was going to take the storage area off the Critter Nation and lower it to the floor so my son can reach the third level better. Now I will see if I will get the FN in the morning so plans may be changing.

My son had a couple of huge rats given to him by our SPCA a while back. After keeping seperate and introductions with the other rats his dwarf naked rats seem to be picking on one of them. I think the huge one has some vision problems and the dwarf naked boys are bullies. To think I was worried about the big ones picking on the others boy was I wrong.