Ever have one this tiny make it ???

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
Littlerock, California
I just had a litter of quads born this morning, and one is especialy tiny, 16 grams ! Her eyes are still sealed shut, but she is climbing and crawling everywhere, and squeaking at anyone who touches her, her siblings arer all in the26+ gram range, and fully developed. I have been feeding her goat colostrum I had frozen and saved from the kidding season and she seems to be doing great, but I dont want to get my hopes up...???
I don't have an answer for you, but I am keeping my fingers crossed that your little one will pull through for you! She sounds like a fighter!
Why not get your hopes up? That's about all you can do really, isn't it? Hope for the best. Yup, she's a little teeny bugger, but she's active, she's eating, and hopefully gaining. I would get those eyes open though before too long. The longer they stay shut, the more risk you have of eye infections developing. Give her a couple days to try on her own, then start working on them.

Fingers crossed here for the wee one. :)
Ditto to what Peggy said.

What are you feeding mom? I know it's a litter of triplets but the weights should be better than that if she is on a high quality diet. I've had triplets born last week. All were in the 50 gram range.

Just curious
I am feeding her kings rabbit, (good quality feed, allready posted about and approved on this forum, and the absoloute best I have available localy) and lots of timothy hay. I guess I should have explained that better, the smallest kit after teeny is 26 then there is 32, and 33 grams.
here she is compared to one of those pencil erasers, sorry its a little blurry but you can get the idea...

My goodness, that is a teeny baby. Great that she is active amd seems healthy - the colostrum was probably a great start for her as well in case she didn't get any from momma. I don't have any experience with any that small and my only litter of quads I've ever had had weights of 40-45 g but I wish you the best of luck with her.

Is this a first-time mom? Just wondering how much milk she produced in previous litters.
Oh I wasn't implying you were feeding crappy feed. I just been noticing this trend lately of small babies. I was wondering if it was due to the new purina formula. Quite frankly, I've had feed problems the last 6 months and was quite surprised how my kits weights are. They've been huge. Someone else had posted how their babies were small too and I think they thought it was the feed.

Good luck with the little one.
All my other kits this year so far have been good sizes, its just this batch. She is still hanging in there, really spunky, actually, Jags-that is comforting to hear about your 17 gram baby !
I would definitely keep a close eye on her weight. With so many kits it would be easy for her to get pushed out of the way and not be able to nurse much. You may need to supplement the larger kits to allow her more time to nurse with mom.