Eenie, meenie, minee, mo..which bedding has to go?

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Aug 7, 2011
Nashville, Tennessee
I am new and have explained some in chat about my poptart(2)'s bedding issues.
He arrived on Aspen -began itching with the brand I used so I've tried a couple.
Then went to recycled paper - worried about paper cuts from the zig zag paper and it scrunched and crunched too loudly at night. He sleeps in my closet, with one door open for light and air of course.
Carefresh- he wouldn't get off his wheel. He played like the floor was lava climbing from food dish to paper tube to wheel. He would just sit in it. One night for almost an hour! Gave it away to a guinea pig.
Bought a cool, blue pattern fleece and cut it to size- he also hated it.
Shredded said fleece to put in his hut, that didn't work. He snoozed in his wheel instead.
Bought the off brand of carefresh paper bedding and it's messy but at least he isn't playing the quiet hog still hog game or the lava game.
I switched between the beddings every couple of days. He annointed on the fleece but he likes to burrow and hide so I removed it (later became shreds)
I have been told that hedgehogs are stubborn and maybe I should have left the beddings in there longer but he is my first hedgie and I was afraid if I left him to eat carefresh, he would get a blockage. My question is; is this typical for him to be this pickyl? He may be beginning to do the same with his food? I introduced royal canin with his iams tonight. He may be a Divo!? The lady I got him from used and swore by aspen. I disliked it alot. Too many splinters in my bedroom carpet. Just wondering if I should stick with this off brand carefresh from Petsmart since it's his pick or try fleece again and let him throw and get over a fit?
What did he not like about the Fleece??
Also to ensure that he keeps eating his food you can try putting the new food in a separate dish, so that it doesn't "contaminate" his other food LOL
I suppose you could try pelleted bedding. I'm unfamiliar with it because I've never had this issue but that's an option. ^^ My breeder used it for her hedgies.
I use fleece liners and Wall-e isn't a big fan so I have a dig box/sleeping box with the off brand carefresh (the kind for burrowers that I think you're talking about). He loves that box but he's not afraid of the floor and it's easy to clean. All of his poop ends up on or under the wheel anyway.
He wouldn't hardly move on it. Just sat there and licked it kinda. My little weirdo. I am not a fan of pelletted bedding bc of my horse. If you use pellet bedding in a stall and the horse consumes it, it expands when wet and it can stretch the stomach of the horse. I am skeptical it would do the same with hedgehogs. He does love to burrow and maybe that's why he hated the fleece but when I shredded it for his igloo he wouldn't even think about it. Gah, he's just so picky and I can't pinpoint what exactly it is. Lol.
He's got you in quite a pickle. lol I just you could try towels? My hedgie likes curling up in a towel on my chest.
if a thread from a towel gets caught on a nail or wrapped around his leg, he could have a serious problem. My guy sleeps in a towel on my tummy too (its the I'm scared towel) but I wouldn't leave him unsupervised with one
Poptart has been on fleece for three nights now. I broke down bc I'm sick of paper bedding sticking to him and getting all in my floor. He still licks, chews and I've caught him anointing when I change his liner and blankets. I also bought him a cozy cup for inside his igloo. He loves that thing! My sigar glider loved hers. I checked and checked and checked for loose threads and all seems well. Poptart2 is super happy and his dry skin has seemed to clear up but it's a little to early to tell for sure but at least the cage floor isn't lava anymore.
Good! If you think you need to at all, I keep a humidifier near Wall-e's cage to make sure his skin stays dry. I have a really dry house because it's old and has issues, so both of us need the humidifier or we get dry skin/chapped lips

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